Potential offtaker

Globant S.A.


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Globant SA is a technology consulting company based in Uruguay that has been operating since 2003. The company provides digital transformation services to businesses across the globe, helping them to innovate and stay ahead of the competition. With a team of over 16,000 employees, Globant SA is one of the largest technology consulting firms in the world.

As a company that operates in the technology sector, Globant SA is well aware of the impact that its operations can have on the environment. In recent years, the company has taken steps to reduce its carbon footprint and promote decarbonisation. This has included investing in renewable energy sources and implementing energy-efficient technologies.

One of the ways that Globant SA has reduced its carbon footprint is by implementing a corporate energy strategy. This strategy involves identifying areas where energy consumption can be reduced and implementing measures to achieve this. For example, the company has invested in energy-efficient lighting and heating systems, and has implemented policies to encourage employees to reduce their energy consumption.

Another way that Globant SA has promoted decarbonisation is by investing in renewable energy sources. The company has implemented a corporate power purchase agreement (PPA) to purchase renewable energy from wind and solar farms. This has enabled the company to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and promote the use of renewable energy.

The corporate PPA that Globant SA has implemented is a long-term agreement to purchase renewable energy from a specific source. This allows the company to secure a reliable and predictable source of renewable energy, while also supporting the development of renewable energy infrastructure. By investing in renewable energy, Globant SA is helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainable development.

In addition to its corporate PPA, Globant SA has also invested in renewable energy projects in Uruguay. The company has partnered with local renewable energy developers to invest in wind and solar projects, which will help to increase the country's renewable energy capacity. By investing in renewable energy projects, Globant SA is not only reducing its own carbon footprint, but also contributing to the development of sustainable energy infrastructure.

Overall, Globant SA is a company that is committed to promoting decarbonisation and reducing its carbon footprint. Through its corporate energy strategy, corporate PPA, and investment in renewable energy projects, the company is taking concrete steps to reduce its impact on the environment. As a technology consulting firm, Globant SA is well positioned to promote sustainable development and help businesses across the globe to reduce their carbon footprint.

✓ Declared Net Zero commitment