
Towards a Cleaner Computer consultancy activities: Decarbonization Approaches

This article explores decarbonization approaches for computer consultancy activities, highlighting the importance of reducing carbon emissions in the IT sector.

Decarbonisation is the process of reducing or eliminating carbon emissions from various sectors of the economy. It is an essential step towards mitigating climate change and achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement. The computer consultancy activities sector is a significant contributor to carbon emissions, and therefore, decarbonisation in this sector is crucial. This article will discuss what decarbonisation in the computer consultancy activities sector entails, the main sources of carbon emissions in this sector, how to reduce carbon emissions, challenges facing decarbonisation, and the implications of decarbonisation for this sector.

What is Decarbonisation in the "Computer Consultancy Activities" Sector and Why is it Important?

Decarbonisation in the computer consultancy activities sector refers to reducing carbon emissions associated with the provision of computer consultancy services. This sector includes firms that provide IT consulting, software development, and other computer-related services. Decarbonisation in this sector is essential because it contributes to climate change. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates that the ICT sector accounts for 2% of global carbon emissions, which is equivalent to the aviation industry's emissions. Therefore, reducing carbon emissions in this sector is crucial for achieving global climate goals.

Main Sources of Carbon Emissions in the "Computer Consultancy Activities" Sector

The main sources of carbon emissions in the computer consultancy activities sector include:

  1. Energy Consumption: The energy consumption associated with the operation of data centers, servers, and other IT infrastructure is a significant contributor to carbon emissions. The energy consumed by data centers alone accounts for approximately 1% of global electricity consumption.
  2. Travel: Business travel by employees and consultants contributes to carbon emissions. Business travel includes air travel, ground transportation, and hotel stays.
  3. Supply Chain: The production and disposal of IT equipment, such as computers, laptops, and smartphones, contribute to carbon emissions. The production of these devices requires energy, and the disposal of electronic waste contributes to environmental pollution.

How to Reduce Carbon Emissions in the "Computer Consultancy Activities" Sector

There are several ways to reduce carbon emissions in the computer consultancy activities sector, including:

  1. Energy Efficiency: Improving energy efficiency in data centers and other IT infrastructure can significantly reduce carbon emissions. This can be achieved through the use of energy-efficient hardware, virtualization, and cloud computing.
  2. Renewable Energy: The use of renewable energy, such as solar and wind power, can reduce carbon emissions associated with energy consumption in data centers and other IT infrastructure.
  3. Telecommuting: Encouraging employees and consultants to work from home can reduce carbon emissions associated with business travel.
  4. Green Procurement: The procurement of energy-efficient and environmentally friendly IT equipment can reduce carbon emissions associated with the production and disposal of IT equipment.

Challenges Facing Decarbonisation in the "Computer Consultancy Activities" Sector

Decarbonisation in the computer consultancy activities sector faces several challenges, including:

  1. Lack of Awareness: Many firms in this sector are not aware of the environmental impact of their operations and do not prioritize decarbonisation.
  2. Cost: Implementing decarbonisation measures, such as energy-efficient hardware and renewable energy, can be costly, and some firms may not be willing to invest in these measures.
  3. Complexity: Decarbonisation in this sector is complex, and firms may not have the necessary expertise to implement effective decarbonisation measures.
  4. Regulation: There is currently no regulatory framework for decarbonisation in this sector, which may hinder progress towards decarbonisation.

Implications of Decarbonisation for the "Computer Consultancy Activities" Sector

Decarbonisation in the computer consultancy activities sector has several implications, including:

  1. Competitive Advantage: Firms that prioritize decarbonisation can gain a competitive advantage by attracting environmentally conscious clients and employees.
  2. Cost Savings: Decarbonisation measures, such as energy efficiency and renewable energy, can result in cost savings for firms.
  3. Innovation: Decarbonisation in this sector can drive innovation and the development of new technologies that reduce carbon emissions.
  4. Reputation: Firms that prioritize decarbonisation can enhance their reputation and brand image, which can lead to increased business opportunities.


Decarbonisation in the computer consultancy activities sector is essential for mitigating climate change and achieving global climate goals. The main sources of carbon emissions in this sector include energy consumption, travel, and the supply chain. Decarbonisation measures, such as energy efficiency, renewable energy, telecommuting, and green procurement, can reduce carbon emissions in this sector. However, decarbonisation in this sector faces several challenges, including lack of awareness, cost, complexity, and regulation. The implications of decarbonisation in this sector include competitive advantage, cost savings, innovation, and reputation. Therefore, firms in this sector should prioritize decarbonisation to reduce their environmental impact and gain a competitive advantage.