Potential offtaker

City of Huntington Beach CA


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


The City of Huntington Beach, located in Orange County, California, is a local government entity that is committed to providing its residents with a high quality of life while also being environmentally responsible. As part of this commitment, the city has implemented several initiatives aimed at reducing its carbon footprint and promoting the use of renewable energy sources.

Decarbonisation is a key focus area for the City of Huntington Beach. The city has set a goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2045, which means that it aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to zero. To achieve this goal, the city has developed a comprehensive Climate Action Plan that outlines specific strategies and actions to reduce emissions from various sectors, including transportation, buildings, and waste.

One of the key strategies outlined in the Climate Action Plan is the promotion of renewable energy sources. The city has set a target of sourcing 100% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2030. To achieve this target, the city has implemented several initiatives, including the installation of solar panels on city-owned buildings and the promotion of community solar programs.

Corporate energy is another important area of focus for the City of Huntington Beach. The city has implemented several energy efficiency measures in its own facilities, including the installation of LED lighting and the use of energy-efficient HVAC systems. These measures have not only helped the city reduce its energy consumption and carbon footprint but have also resulted in significant cost savings.

Corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) are another tool that the City of Huntington Beach is using to promote renewable energy. PPAs allow the city to purchase electricity directly from renewable energy providers, which helps to support the development of new renewable energy projects. The city has already signed several PPAs with renewable energy providers, including wind and solar projects.

In addition to promoting renewable energy, the City of Huntington Beach is also focused on reducing its energy consumption through energy efficiency measures. The city has implemented several initiatives aimed at reducing energy consumption in its own facilities, including the installation of energy-efficient lighting and HVAC systems. The city is also promoting energy efficiency in the community through programs such as the Home Energy Efficiency Program, which provides residents with rebates for energy-efficient upgrades.

The City of Huntington Beach is also committed to reducing its carbon footprint from transportation. The city has implemented several initiatives aimed at promoting alternative modes of transportation, including the installation of bike lanes and the promotion of public transit. The city is also promoting the use of electric vehicles through the installation of electric vehicle charging stations.

Overall, the City of Huntington Beach is a leader in promoting decarbonisation and renewable energy in the local government sector. The city's commitment to reducing its carbon footprint and promoting renewable energy sources is not only good for the environment but also helps to reduce costs and promote economic development. Through its comprehensive Climate Action Plan and various initiatives, the City of Huntington Beach is setting an example for other local government entities to follow.

✓ Current offtaker under Corporate PPA's