Potential offtaker

Town of Belchertown MA


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


The Town of Belchertown MA is a local government entity that is committed to promoting sustainable development and decarbonisation in the community. The town is located in the state of Massachusetts in the United States of America and has a population of approximately 15,000 people. The town is known for its beautiful natural landscapes, including the Quabbin Reservoir, which is a major source of drinking water for the region.

The town has made significant efforts to reduce its carbon footprint and promote renewable energy sources. One of the key initiatives that the town has undertaken is the implementation of a corporate energy plan. This plan aims to reduce the town's energy consumption and carbon emissions by implementing energy-efficient technologies and practices. The plan also includes the use of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power to generate electricity.

The town has also entered into a corporate power purchase agreement (PPA) with a local renewable energy provider. This agreement allows the town to purchase renewable energy from the provider at a fixed price, which helps to reduce the town's reliance on fossil fuels and promote the use of clean energy sources.

The town has also implemented a number of other initiatives to promote renewable energy and reduce its carbon footprint. For example, the town has installed solar panels on municipal buildings and has implemented energy-efficient lighting and heating systems. The town has also encouraged residents to install solar panels on their homes through a rebate program.

In addition to promoting renewable energy, the town has also taken steps to reduce its overall energy consumption. The town has implemented a number of energy-saving measures, such as the use of energy-efficient appliances and the implementation of a town-wide recycling program. The town has also encouraged residents to reduce their energy consumption by providing education and outreach programs on energy conservation.

The town has also taken steps to promote sustainable transportation. The town has implemented a bike-sharing program and has installed bike lanes and sidewalks to encourage residents to walk and bike instead of driving. The town has also implemented a public transportation system that provides residents with access to affordable and sustainable transportation options.

Overall, the Town of Belchertown MA is a leader in promoting sustainable development and decarbonisation in the community. The town's commitment to renewable energy and energy conservation has helped to reduce its carbon footprint and promote a cleaner, more sustainable future for its residents. The town's initiatives serve as a model for other communities looking to promote sustainable development and reduce their carbon footprint.

✓ Current offtaker under Corporate PPA's