Potential offtaker

Vita Group Unlimited


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Vita Group Unlimited is a leading player in the Plastic Products sector in the United Kingdom. The company is committed to decarbonisation and has taken several initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint. Vita Group Unlimited is also focused on corporate energy and has implemented several measures to improve its energy efficiency. The company has also signed a corporate power purchase agreement (PPA) to source renewable energy for its operations.

Vita Group Unlimited was founded in 1949 and has since grown to become a major player in the Plastic Products sector. The company operates in several markets, including automotive, healthcare, and consumer goods. Vita Group Unlimited is known for its innovative products and solutions that cater to the specific needs of its customers.

In recent years, Vita Group Unlimited has made significant efforts to reduce its carbon footprint and contribute to decarbonisation. The company has implemented several measures to improve its energy efficiency, including the installation of energy-efficient lighting and the use of renewable energy sources. Vita Group Unlimited has also invested in the development of new, sustainable materials that can be used in its products.

One of the key initiatives taken by Vita Group Unlimited in the area of decarbonisation is the implementation of a carbon reduction program. The program aims to reduce the company's carbon emissions by 50% by 2025. To achieve this goal, Vita Group Unlimited has set several targets, including the reduction of energy consumption, the use of renewable energy sources, and the implementation of sustainable production processes.

Another important area of focus for Vita Group Unlimited is corporate energy. The company has implemented several measures to improve its energy efficiency, including the installation of energy-efficient lighting, the use of energy-efficient equipment, and the implementation of sustainable production processes. Vita Group Unlimited has also invested in the development of new, sustainable materials that can be used in its products.

In addition to these measures, Vita Group Unlimited has also signed a corporate power purchase agreement (PPA) to source renewable energy for its operations. The PPA ensures that a significant portion of the company's energy needs are met through renewable sources, reducing its reliance on fossil fuels and contributing to decarbonisation.

The PPA signed by Vita Group Unlimited is a long-term agreement that guarantees the purchase of renewable energy at a fixed price. This provides the company with a stable source of renewable energy, which is not subject to the fluctuations in energy prices that are common in the market. The PPA also supports the development of renewable energy projects, contributing to the growth of the renewable energy sector in the United Kingdom.

Vita Group Unlimited's commitment to decarbonisation and corporate energy has been recognised by several industry bodies. The company has received several awards for its sustainability initiatives, including the Sustainability Award at the 2019 Plastics Industry Awards.

In conclusion, Vita Group Unlimited is a leading player in the Plastic Products sector in the United Kingdom. The company is committed to decarbonisation and has taken several initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint. Vita Group Unlimited is also focused on corporate energy and has implemented several measures to improve its energy efficiency. The company has also signed a corporate power purchase agreement (PPA) to source renewable energy for its operations. These initiatives demonstrate Vita Group Unlimited's commitment to sustainability and its role in contributing to the decarbonisation of the United Kingdom's economy.