Potential offtaker


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Virutex Ilko S.A is a Chilean company that has been operating for over 50 years, providing high-quality products for the furniture and construction industry. The company has a strong commitment to sustainability and has made significant efforts towards decarbonisation and the adoption of renewable energy sources.

In recent years, Virutex Ilko S.A has taken a proactive approach towards reducing its carbon footprint and has implemented various initiatives to achieve this goal. One of the primary strategies employed by the company is the adoption of renewable energy sources. Virutex Ilko S.A has invested heavily in solar energy, with the installation of solar panels at its manufacturing facilities. These solar panels generate a significant amount of energy, which is used to power the company's operations, reducing its reliance on non-renewable sources of energy.

In addition to solar energy, Virutex Ilko S.A has also explored other renewable energy sources such as wind and hydroelectric power. The company has entered into corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) with renewable energy providers, which has enabled it to access clean energy at competitive prices. These PPAs have not only helped Virutex Ilko S.A to reduce its carbon footprint but have also provided the company with a stable and predictable source of energy, reducing its exposure to volatile energy prices.

Corporate energy management is another area where Virutex Ilko S.A has made significant progress. The company has implemented various energy-efficient measures, such as the installation of LED lighting, energy-efficient HVAC systems, and the use of automation and control systems to optimise energy consumption. These measures have not only helped the company to reduce its energy consumption but have also resulted in significant cost savings.

Virutex Ilko S.A has also made efforts to reduce its carbon footprint in its supply chain. The company has implemented a sustainable procurement policy, which requires its suppliers to adhere to strict environmental and social standards. This policy has helped the company to reduce its environmental impact and has also contributed to the development of sustainable supply chains.

The company's commitment to sustainability is reflected in its corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. Virutex Ilko S.A has implemented various CSR programmes, such as community development projects, education and training programmes, and environmental conservation initiatives. These programmes have not only helped to improve the lives of the communities in which the company operates but have also contributed to the development of sustainable business practices.

In conclusion, Virutex Ilko S.A is a Chilean company that has demonstrated a strong commitment to sustainability, decarbonisation, and the adoption of renewable energy sources. The company's proactive approach towards reducing its carbon footprint has resulted in significant progress towards achieving its sustainability goals. The adoption of renewable energy sources, corporate PPAs, and energy-efficient measures have not only helped the company to reduce its environmental impact but have also resulted in significant cost savings. Virutex Ilko S.A's sustainable procurement policy and CSR initiatives have further demonstrated its commitment to sustainable business practices.