Potential offtaker

Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


TRIDL is a leading Taiwanese company that is dedicated to promoting decarbonisation and renewable energy. The company is committed to reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainability through its innovative products and services. TRIDL is a pioneer in the field of corporate energy, and it offers a range of solutions to help businesses reduce their carbon footprint and transition to renewable energy sources.

One of TRIDL's key offerings is corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs). These agreements allow businesses to purchase renewable energy directly from a renewable energy provider, such as a wind or solar farm. By doing so, businesses can reduce their reliance on fossil fuels and support the growth of renewable energy. TRIDL has extensive experience in developing and managing corporate PPAs, and it has helped many businesses in Taiwan and beyond to transition to renewable energy.

TRIDL also offers a range of other corporate energy solutions, including energy efficiency audits, energy management systems, and renewable energy installation services. These solutions are designed to help businesses reduce their energy consumption and carbon emissions, while also improving their bottom line. TRIDL's team of experts works closely with each client to develop a tailored solution that meets their specific needs and goals.

In addition to its corporate energy solutions, TRIDL is also actively involved in promoting renewable energy in Taiwan and beyond. The company has invested in several renewable energy projects, including wind and solar farms, and it is committed to developing new and innovative technologies to further promote decarbonisation. TRIDL is also a strong advocate for renewable energy policies and regulations, and it works closely with government agencies and industry associations to promote the growth of renewable energy.

One of the key challenges facing businesses today is the need to reduce their carbon footprint and transition to renewable energy sources. TRIDL is well positioned to help businesses meet this challenge, thanks to its extensive experience in corporate energy and renewable energy. The company's solutions are designed to be cost-effective, scalable, and tailored to each client's specific needs and goals.

TRIDL's commitment to decarbonisation and renewable energy is reflected in its corporate culture and values. The company is dedicated to promoting sustainability and reducing its own carbon footprint, and it encourages its employees to do the same. TRIDL also supports a range of environmental initiatives and charities, and it is committed to making a positive impact on the world.

In conclusion, TRIDL is a leading Taiwanese company that is dedicated to promoting decarbonisation and renewable energy. The company offers a range of corporate energy solutions, including corporate PPAs, energy efficiency audits, and renewable energy installation services. TRIDL is committed to developing new and innovative technologies to promote decarbonisation, and it is a strong advocate for renewable energy policies and regulations. With its extensive experience and expertise in corporate energy and renewable energy, TRIDL is well positioned to help businesses reduce their carbon footprint and transition to renewable energy sources.