Potential offtaker

Toshiba Corporation


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Toshiba Corporation is a Japanese multinational conglomerate that operates in various sectors, including electrical power equipment. The company was founded in 1939 and has since grown to become one of the largest electronics and electrical equipment manufacturers in the world. Toshiba Corporation has a strong commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation, and has been actively working towards reducing its carbon footprint and promoting renewable energy.

The electrical power equipment sector of Toshiba Corporation focuses on providing innovative solutions for the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity. The company offers a wide range of products and services, including power transformers, switchgear, control systems, and energy management systems. Toshiba Corporation's electrical power equipment is used in various industries, including power generation, transmission and distribution, and renewable energy.

Decarbonisation is a key focus area for Toshiba Corporation, and the company has set ambitious targets to reduce its carbon emissions. In 2019, Toshiba Corporation announced its commitment to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. To achieve this goal, the company is focusing on developing and promoting renewable energy solutions, improving energy efficiency, and reducing waste.

One of the ways Toshiba Corporation is promoting renewable energy is through corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs). Corporate PPAs allow companies to purchase renewable energy directly from a generator, bypassing the traditional utility grid. This approach enables companies to reduce their carbon footprint, improve their sustainability credentials, and potentially save money on energy costs. Toshiba Corporation has been actively promoting corporate PPAs to its customers, and has signed several agreements to purchase renewable energy from wind and solar power projects.

In addition to promoting renewable energy, Toshiba Corporation is also focused on improving its own corporate energy efficiency. The company has implemented various measures to reduce its energy consumption, including upgrading its facilities and equipment, improving its manufacturing processes, and promoting energy-saving practices among its employees. Toshiba Corporation has also established an energy management system that monitors and optimises its energy use, helping to reduce its carbon emissions and energy costs.

Toshiba Corporation's commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation is reflected in its corporate culture and values. The company has a strong focus on social responsibility, and aims to contribute to the creation of a sustainable society through its business activities. Toshiba Corporation's sustainability efforts have been recognised by various organisations, including the Dow Jones Sustainability Index and the Carbon Disclosure Project.

In conclusion, Toshiba Corporation is a leading player in the electrical power equipment sector, with a strong commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation. The company is actively promoting renewable energy solutions, including corporate PPAs, and is focused on improving its own energy efficiency. Toshiba Corporation's commitment to sustainability is reflected in its corporate culture and values, and the company is well-positioned to contribute to the creation of a more sustainable future.

✓ Science Based Targets member
✓ Declared Net Zero commitment