Potential offtaker

Synlait Milk Limited


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Synlait Milk Limited is a New Zealand-based company that operates in the Dairy Prods Whslrs (ex Dry/Can) sector. The company is committed to producing high-quality dairy products while also prioritizing sustainability and decarbonisation. Synlait Milk Limited is a leading player in the dairy industry, with a focus on producing premium dairy products that meet the needs of customers around the world.

The company's commitment to sustainability is evident in its approach to corporate energy. Synlait Milk Limited has implemented a range of initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint and promote renewable energy. These initiatives include investing in renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, and implementing energy-efficient technologies across its operations.

One of the key initiatives that Synlait Milk Limited has undertaken to reduce its carbon footprint is the implementation of a corporate power purchase agreement (PPA). A corporate PPA is an agreement between a company and a renewable energy provider that allows the company to purchase renewable energy directly from the provider. This approach helps to reduce the company's reliance on fossil fuels and promotes the use of renewable energy sources.

Synlait Milk Limited has also invested in renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power. The company has installed a 2.4 MW wind turbine at its Dunsandel site, which generates enough energy to power around 1,000 homes. In addition, the company has installed a 1 MW solar array at its Pokeno site, which generates enough energy to power around 200 homes.

The company's commitment to sustainability extends beyond its approach to energy. Synlait Milk Limited has also implemented a range of initiatives to reduce waste and promote sustainable practices across its operations. These initiatives include reducing water usage, implementing a closed-loop water system, and reducing waste through recycling and composting.

Synlait Milk Limited is also committed to promoting sustainability across its supply chain. The company works closely with its suppliers to promote sustainable practices, such as reducing waste and promoting renewable energy sources. In addition, the company has implemented a range of initiatives to promote animal welfare, such as working with farmers to promote best practices and implementing a traceability system to ensure that all products are produced in a sustainable and ethical manner.

In conclusion, Synlait Milk Limited is a leading player in the dairy industry, with a strong commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation. The company's approach to corporate energy, including its use of corporate PPAs and investment in renewable energy sources, is a testament to its commitment to reducing its carbon footprint and promoting sustainable practices. Synlait Milk Limited's focus on sustainability extends beyond its approach to energy, with the company implementing a range of initiatives to reduce waste, promote animal welfare, and promote sustainable practices across its supply chain. Overall, Synlait Milk Limited is a company that is leading the way in promoting sustainability and decarbonisation in the dairy industry.