Potential offtaker



Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Scroll Corp is a Japanese company that operates in the Mail Catalog Retailers sector. The company has been in operation for several years and has established itself as a leading player in the industry. Scroll Corp is committed to sustainability and has taken several measures to reduce its carbon footprint. The company has implemented various initiatives to promote decarbonisation and renewable energy.

One of the key areas where Scroll Corp has focused its efforts is on corporate energy. The company has implemented several measures to reduce its energy consumption and promote energy efficiency. For example, Scroll Corp has invested in energy-efficient lighting systems and has implemented a policy of turning off lights and electronics when not in use. The company has also implemented a policy of using energy-efficient appliances and equipment in its operations.

Another area where Scroll Corp has focused its efforts is on corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs). The company has entered into several PPAs with renewable energy providers to source a significant portion of its energy needs from renewable sources. This has helped the company to reduce its carbon footprint and promote sustainable energy practices.

Scroll Corp has also made significant investments in renewable energy. The company has installed solar panels on its rooftops and has invested in wind and hydroelectric power projects. These investments have helped the company to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels and promote sustainable energy practices.

In addition to its focus on decarbonisation and renewable energy, Scroll Corp has also implemented several initiatives to promote sustainability in its operations. The company has implemented a policy of reducing waste and recycling materials wherever possible. It has also implemented a policy of using eco-friendly materials in its products and packaging.

Scroll Corp has also taken steps to promote sustainability in its supply chain. The company has implemented a policy of sourcing materials from sustainable sources and has worked with its suppliers to promote sustainable practices. It has also implemented a policy of reducing transportation emissions by optimizing its logistics and transportation operations.

Overall, Scroll Corp is a company that is committed to sustainability and has taken several measures to reduce its carbon footprint and promote sustainable practices. The company's focus on decarbonisation, corporate energy, corporate PPA, and renewable energy has helped it to become a leader in the industry and a role model for other companies to follow.

✓ Declared Net Zero commitment