Potential offtaker

Sarena Textile Industries (Pvt.) Ltd.

Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Sarena Textile Industries (Pvt.) Ltd. is a leading textile manufacturing company based in Pakistan. Established in 2005, the company has become a major player in the textile industry, producing high-quality fabrics for both domestic and international markets. Sarena Textile Industries (Pvt.) Ltd. is committed to sustainability and has taken several measures to reduce its carbon footprint and promote renewable energy.

Decarbonisation is a key focus area for Sarena Textile Industries (Pvt.) Ltd. The company understands the importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and has implemented several measures to achieve this goal. One of the key initiatives taken by the company is the installation of a state-of-the-art effluent treatment plant. The plant treats wastewater generated during the manufacturing process and ensures that it is safe for discharge into the environment. This has significantly reduced the company's water footprint and has helped to conserve water resources.

Another important initiative taken by Sarena Textile Industries (Pvt.) Ltd. is the use of renewable energy. The company has installed a 1.5 MW solar power plant on its premises, which generates clean energy and reduces the company's reliance on fossil fuels. The solar power plant has also helped to reduce the company's electricity bills and has made it more competitive in the market.

Corporate energy is another important area of focus for Sarena Textile Industries (Pvt.) Ltd. The company has implemented several measures to reduce its energy consumption and promote energy efficiency. One of the key initiatives taken by the company is the installation of energy-efficient lighting systems in its manufacturing facilities. The company has also implemented a comprehensive energy management system, which monitors energy consumption and identifies areas where energy can be saved.

Corporate PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) is another important initiative taken by Sarena Textile Industries (Pvt.) Ltd. The company has signed a long-term power purchase agreement with a renewable energy company, which supplies the company with clean energy. This has helped the company to reduce its carbon footprint and has made it more sustainable.

In addition to these initiatives, Sarena Textile Industries (Pvt.) Ltd. has also implemented several other measures to promote sustainability. The company has implemented a comprehensive waste management system, which ensures that waste generated during the manufacturing process is properly disposed of. The company has also implemented a green procurement policy, which encourages the purchase of environmentally friendly products and services.

Sarena Textile Industries (Pvt.) Ltd. is committed to promoting sustainability not only within its own operations but also in the wider community. The company has implemented several CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) initiatives, which focus on education, healthcare, and environmental conservation. The company has also partnered with several NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) to promote sustainable development in the communities where it operates.

In conclusion, Sarena Textile Industries (Pvt.) Ltd. is a leading textile manufacturing company based in Pakistan that is committed to sustainability. The company has implemented several measures to reduce its carbon footprint, promote renewable energy, and promote sustainability in the wider community. The company's focus on sustainability has not only helped to reduce its environmental impact but has also made it more competitive in the market. Sarena Textile Industries (Pvt.) Ltd. is a shining example of how businesses can contribute to sustainable development while also achieving their business objectives.