Potential offtaker

Royal Mail plc


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Royal Mail PLC is a leading postal service provider in the United Kingdom that operates in the Mail Services sector. The company has a rich history that dates back to 1516 when Henry VIII established a Master of the Posts to oversee the delivery of mail across the country. Since then, Royal Mail has evolved into a modern postal service provider that delivers mail and parcels to over 30 million addresses in the UK every day.

In recent years, Royal Mail has been at the forefront of efforts to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainability. The company has set ambitious targets to decarbonize its operations and reduce its carbon footprint. To achieve this, Royal Mail has implemented a range of measures, including investing in renewable energy, adopting new technologies, and improving its energy efficiency.

One of the key initiatives that Royal Mail has undertaken to reduce its carbon footprint is the adoption of renewable energy. The company has invested in a range of renewable energy sources, including solar, wind, and biomass. These investments have enabled Royal Mail to generate a significant proportion of its energy needs from renewable sources, reducing its reliance on fossil fuels and lowering its carbon emissions.

Another important initiative that Royal Mail has undertaken to reduce its carbon footprint is the implementation of a Corporate Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). A Corporate PPA is a long-term contract between a company and a renewable energy provider that guarantees the purchase of a specified amount of renewable energy at a fixed price. By entering into a Corporate PPA, Royal Mail has been able to secure a reliable and cost-effective source of renewable energy, reducing its carbon footprint and promoting sustainability.

In addition to its renewable energy investments and Corporate PPA, Royal Mail has also implemented a range of measures to improve its energy efficiency. The company has undertaken a comprehensive energy audit of its operations, identifying areas where energy consumption can be reduced and implementing energy-saving measures such as LED lighting, improved insulation, and more efficient heating and cooling systems.

Royal Mail's commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation is not only good for the environment but also makes good business sense. By reducing its carbon footprint and promoting sustainability, Royal Mail is able to enhance its reputation, attract environmentally conscious customers, and reduce its energy costs, improving its bottom line.

In conclusion, Royal Mail PLC is a leading postal service provider in the United Kingdom that is committed to promoting sustainability and reducing its carbon footprint. The company has implemented a range of measures, including investing in renewable energy, adopting new technologies, and improving its energy efficiency, to achieve its sustainability goals. By doing so, Royal Mail is not only helping to protect the environment but also enhancing its reputation and improving its bottom line.

✓ Declared Net Zero commitment