Potential offtaker

Robinsons Land Corporation


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Robinsons Land Corporation (RLC) is a leading real estate developer in the Philippines, with a diversified portfolio of properties that includes residential, commercial, and office spaces. The company is committed to sustainable development and has made significant strides in decarbonisation and the adoption of renewable energy.

RLC's multi-asset class own and develop sector involves the acquisition, development, and management of various types of properties, including land, buildings, and infrastructure. The company has a strong presence in the residential sector, with a range of affordable and high-end properties in key cities across the country. RLC also has a growing portfolio of commercial and office spaces, catering to the needs of businesses and entrepreneurs.

One of RLC's key priorities is decarbonisation, which involves reducing the carbon footprint of its operations and properties. The company has implemented various initiatives to achieve this goal, such as the use of energy-efficient technologies and the adoption of renewable energy sources. RLC has also invested in green building practices, such as the use of sustainable materials and the implementation of waste management systems.

Corporate energy is another area of focus for RLC, as the company seeks to reduce its reliance on traditional energy sources and transition to cleaner alternatives. RLC has entered into corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) with renewable energy providers, allowing the company to source a portion of its energy needs from clean sources such as wind and solar. These PPAs not only help RLC reduce its carbon footprint but also provide a stable and predictable source of energy for its operations.

Renewable energy is a key component of RLC's sustainability strategy, and the company has made significant investments in this area. RLC has built solar power facilities in several of its properties, providing clean energy to its tenants and reducing its reliance on grid electricity. The company has also explored other renewable energy sources, such as geothermal and biomass, as part of its efforts to diversify its energy mix and reduce its environmental impact.

In addition to its sustainability efforts, RLC is also committed to social responsibility and community development. The company has implemented various programs to support local communities, such as providing education and healthcare services, supporting small businesses, and promoting environmental awareness. RLC also works closely with local government units and other stakeholders to ensure that its developments are aligned with the needs and priorities of the communities where it operates.

Overall, Robinsons Land Corporation is a leading real estate developer in the Philippines that is committed to sustainable development and the adoption of renewable energy. The company's multi-asset class own and develop sector involves the acquisition, development, and management of various types of properties, with a strong focus on residential, commercial, and office spaces. RLC has made significant strides in decarbonisation, corporate energy, and renewable energy, and is committed to social responsibility and community development.

✓ Declared Net Zero commitment