Potential offtaker

Plastic Omnium SE

Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Plastic Omnium SE is a French company that specializes in the development and production of plastic automotive components and fuel systems. The company was founded in 1946 by Pierre Burelle and has since grown to become a global leader in the automotive industry.

Plastic Omnium SE is committed to decarbonisation and reducing its carbon footprint. The company has set ambitious targets to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 35% by 2025 and to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. To achieve these targets, Plastic Omnium SE has implemented a number of initiatives to reduce its energy consumption and transition to renewable energy sources.

One of the key initiatives that Plastic Omnium SE has implemented is the use of corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) to source renewable energy. PPAs allow companies to purchase renewable energy directly from a renewable energy provider, often at a lower cost than traditional energy sources. Plastic Omnium SE has signed several PPAs with renewable energy providers in France and Spain, which will provide the company with a reliable and affordable source of renewable energy.

In addition to PPAs, Plastic Omnium SE has also invested in renewable energy projects, such as solar panels and wind turbines, to generate its own renewable energy. The company has installed solar panels at several of its facilities in France and Spain, which have a combined capacity of 9 MW. Plastic Omnium SE has also invested in wind turbines in France, which have a combined capacity of 10 MW.

Plastic Omnium SE has also implemented a number of energy efficiency measures to reduce its energy consumption. The company has invested in energy-efficient equipment and lighting, and has implemented energy management systems to monitor and control its energy use. These measures have not only reduced the company's energy consumption, but have also resulted in cost savings.

Plastic Omnium SE has also implemented a corporate energy strategy to manage its energy use and reduce its carbon footprint. The strategy includes setting energy reduction targets, implementing energy efficiency measures, and transitioning to renewable energy sources. The company has also established an energy management team to oversee the implementation of the strategy and ensure that energy efficiency is integrated into all aspects of the company's operations.

Overall, Plastic Omnium SE is a company that is committed to decarbonisation and reducing its carbon footprint. The company has implemented a number of initiatives to reduce its energy consumption and transition to renewable energy sources, including the use of corporate PPAs, investing in renewable energy projects, and implementing energy efficiency measures. Plastic Omnium SE's corporate energy strategy ensures that energy efficiency is integrated into all aspects of the company's operations, and the company's commitment to decarbonisation will help to reduce its impact on the environment.