Potential offtaker



Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Peabody Energy is a leading coal producer in the United States of America, with a strong presence in the global market. The company has been in operation for over 130 years and has a proven track record of delivering reliable and affordable energy to customers around the world.

Peabody Energy operates in the thermal coal sector, which is a critical component of the global energy mix. Thermal coal is used to generate electricity in power plants, and it is a cost-effective and reliable source of energy. Despite the growing demand for renewable energy, thermal coal remains an essential part of the energy mix, especially in developing countries where access to electricity is limited.

Peabody Energy is committed to decarbonisation and reducing its carbon footprint. The company has set ambitious targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve energy efficiency. Peabody Energy recognises that climate change is a significant challenge and is committed to playing its part in addressing this global issue.

One of the ways that Peabody Energy is reducing its carbon footprint is through the use of renewable energy. The company has invested in renewable energy projects, such as wind and solar, to supplement its coal operations. Peabody Energy recognises that renewable energy is an important part of the energy mix, and it is committed to exploring new opportunities in this area.

Peabody Energy is also exploring the use of corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) to support the development of renewable energy projects. A corporate PPA is an agreement between a company and a renewable energy developer, where the company agrees to purchase a certain amount of renewable energy from the developer. This helps to support the development of new renewable energy projects and provides a reliable source of revenue for the developer.

Peabody Energy is also focused on corporate energy management, which involves the efficient use of energy within the company's operations. The company has implemented a range of energy efficiency measures, such as the use of LED lighting and the installation of energy-efficient equipment. These measures help to reduce the company's energy consumption and lower its carbon footprint.

Peabody Energy is committed to being a responsible corporate citizen and is actively engaged in the communities where it operates. The company supports a range of social and environmental initiatives, such as education and health programs, and is committed to improving the quality of life for people in these communities.

In conclusion, Peabody Energy is a leading coal producer in the United States of America, with a strong presence in the global market. The company is committed to decarbonisation and reducing its carbon footprint, and it recognises the importance of renewable energy in the energy mix. Peabody Energy is exploring new opportunities in renewable energy, such as corporate PPAs, and is focused on corporate energy management to improve energy efficiency. The company is also committed to being a responsible corporate citizen and is actively engaged in the communities where it operates.

✓ Declared Net Zero commitment