Potential offtaker

Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


PayPal is a leading financial transaction processor headquartered in San Jose, California. The company was founded in 1998 and has since become one of the most recognizable names in the fintech industry. PayPal offers a wide range of payment solutions to individuals and businesses, including online payments, mobile payments, and peer-to-peer payments.

In recent years, PayPal has made a significant commitment to decarbonisation and renewable energy. The company has set ambitious goals to reduce its carbon footprint and increase its use of clean energy sources. In 2019, PayPal announced that it had achieved carbon neutrality for the year, a significant milestone in its sustainability journey.

One of the key ways that PayPal is working to reduce its carbon footprint is through corporate energy initiatives. The company has implemented a number of energy efficiency measures across its facilities, including the use of LED lighting, smart building systems, and advanced HVAC systems. These measures have helped to reduce the company's energy consumption and lower its greenhouse gas emissions.

In addition to energy efficiency measures, PayPal is also investing in renewable energy. The company has signed several corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) to source renewable energy for its operations. PPAs are long-term contracts that allow companies to purchase renewable energy directly from generators, often at a lower cost than traditional energy sources.

One of PayPal's most significant corporate PPA agreements was signed in 2018 with the solar energy company, Enel Green Power. Under the agreement, PayPal will purchase 100 megawatts of solar energy from Enel's Ranchera solar project in Texas. The project is expected to generate enough clean energy to power 60,000 homes and will help PayPal to achieve its goal of sourcing 50% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2025.

PayPal is also investing in renewable energy projects in other parts of the world. In 2020, the company signed a PPA with a wind farm in the Netherlands, which will provide clean energy to PayPal's European data centers. The wind farm is expected to generate enough energy to power 17,000 homes and will help PayPal to reduce its carbon footprint in Europe.

In addition to its corporate energy initiatives, PayPal is also working to reduce its carbon footprint through other sustainability measures. The company has implemented a number of waste reduction and recycling programs across its facilities, and has also introduced sustainable transportation options for its employees, such as electric vehicle charging stations and bike sharing programs.

Overall, PayPal's commitment to decarbonisation and renewable energy is a significant step forward for the fintech industry. As one of the largest financial transaction processors in the world, PayPal has the potential to make a significant impact on global emissions and help to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy. By investing in energy efficiency measures and renewable energy sources, PayPal is demonstrating that sustainability and profitability can go hand in hand, and is setting an example for other companies to follow.

✓ Current offtaker under Corporate PPA's
✓ Science Based Targets member
✓ Declared Net Zero commitment