Potential offtaker

OMRON Corporation


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


OMRON Corp is a Japanese company that operates in the Relay & Industrial Control sector. The company was founded in 1933 and has since grown to become a leading provider of automation technology solutions. OMRON Corp is committed to sustainability and has made significant efforts towards decarbonisation and the adoption of renewable energy sources.

OMRON Corp has recognised the importance of reducing its carbon footprint and has set ambitious targets to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. The company has identified decarbonisation as a key priority and is actively pursuing various initiatives to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. OMRON Corp has implemented energy-saving measures across its operations, including the installation of energy-efficient lighting and HVAC systems, and the optimisation of production processes to reduce energy consumption.

In addition to these measures, OMRON Corp has also made significant investments in renewable energy sources. The company has installed solar panels at its facilities in Japan, which generate clean energy and reduce the company's reliance on fossil fuels. OMRON Corp has also signed corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) with renewable energy providers, which enable the company to purchase renewable energy directly from the source.

Corporate PPAs are an innovative way for companies to support the growth of renewable energy and reduce their carbon footprint. By signing a PPA, companies can purchase renewable energy directly from a wind or solar farm, often at a lower cost than traditional energy sources. This not only reduces the company's carbon footprint but also helps to support the development of renewable energy infrastructure.

OMRON Corp has been at the forefront of the corporate PPA movement in Japan and has signed several agreements with renewable energy providers. In 2019, the company signed a PPA with a wind farm in Hokkaido, which will provide OMRON Corp with 2,000 MWh of renewable energy per year. This is equivalent to the energy consumption of around 500 households and will help to reduce the company's carbon footprint by around 1,000 tonnes of CO2 per year.

OMRON Corp has also been actively involved in the development of renewable energy infrastructure in Japan. The company has partnered with local governments and renewable energy providers to develop solar and wind farms in various regions of the country. These projects not only provide clean energy but also create jobs and support local communities.

Corporate energy management is another area where OMRON Corp has made significant progress. The company has implemented a range of measures to improve energy efficiency and reduce costs. OMRON Corp has developed an energy management system that monitors energy consumption across its operations and identifies areas where energy savings can be made. The company has also implemented a range of energy-saving measures, such as the installation of LED lighting and the optimisation of production processes.

OMRON Corp has also implemented a range of measures to encourage its employees to adopt more sustainable practices. The company has developed an employee engagement programme that promotes energy-saving behaviours and encourages employees to reduce their carbon footprint. OMRON Corp has also introduced a range of incentives, such as rewards for employees who use public transport or cycle to work.

In conclusion, OMRON Corp is a leading provider of automation technology solutions that is committed to sustainability and decarbonisation. The company has made significant efforts to reduce its carbon footprint and adopt renewable energy sources. OMRON Corp has signed corporate PPAs with renewable energy providers, installed solar panels at its facilities, and partnered with local governments and renewable energy providers to develop renewable energy infrastructure. The company has also implemented a range of energy-saving measures and employee engagement programmes to encourage more sustainable practices. OMRON Corp's commitment to sustainability is an example of how companies can make a positive impact on the environment while also achieving business success.

✓ Declared Net Zero commitment