Potential offtaker



Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Olympus Corp is a Japanese multinational corporation that operates in the surgical and medical instruments sector. Founded in 1919, the company has a long-standing history of innovation and has been at the forefront of the healthcare industry for over a century. With a focus on precision technology, Olympus has developed a range of medical devices that are used in diagnosis, treatment, and surgery.

In recent years, Olympus has also become increasingly committed to sustainability and decarbonisation. The company has recognised the need to reduce its carbon footprint and has implemented a range of measures to achieve this goal. One of the key ways in which Olympus is working towards decarbonisation is through the use of renewable energy.

In 2019, Olympus announced that it had signed a corporate power purchase agreement (PPA) for renewable energy. The PPA was signed with a wind farm in Akita prefecture, Japan, and will provide Olympus with a stable supply of renewable energy for the next 20 years. The wind farm is expected to generate around 50,000 MWh of electricity per year, which is equivalent to the energy consumption of approximately 14,000 households.

The PPA is part of Olympus' broader commitment to corporate energy management and sustainability. The company has set a target to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by 2030, compared to its 2015 baseline. To achieve this goal, Olympus is implementing a range of energy-saving measures, including the use of renewable energy, energy-efficient buildings, and the optimisation of production processes.

In addition to its commitment to renewable energy and decarbonisation, Olympus is also focused on corporate social responsibility (CSR). The company has a range of CSR initiatives, including the Olympus Global Open Photo Contest, which aims to promote cultural exchange and raise awareness of social issues. The contest is open to photographers from around the world and has a different theme each year. Past themes have included "Stories of Light" and "Perspective".

Olympus is also committed to promoting diversity and inclusion within its workforce. The company has a range of initiatives aimed at creating a more inclusive workplace, including the Olympus Diversity & Inclusion Council. The council is made up of employees from across the company and is responsible for developing and implementing initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion.

In terms of its products and services, Olympus is best known for its range of medical devices. The company's products include endoscopes, surgical instruments, and imaging systems. These products are used in a range of medical procedures, from minimally invasive surgeries to cancer treatments.

One of the key advantages of Olympus' products is their precision and accuracy. The company's endoscopes, for example, are designed to provide high-quality images of internal organs and tissues, allowing doctors to make more accurate diagnoses and perform more effective treatments. Similarly, Olympus' surgical instruments are designed to be highly precise, allowing surgeons to perform complex procedures with greater accuracy and efficiency.

In conclusion, Olympus Corp is a Japanese multinational corporation that operates in the surgical and medical instruments sector. The company has a long-standing history of innovation and is committed to sustainability and decarbonisation. Through its use of renewable energy and energy-saving measures, Olympus is working towards reducing its carbon footprint and achieving its goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by 2030. The company is also committed to promoting diversity and inclusion within its workforce and has a range of CSR initiatives aimed at promoting cultural exchange and raising awareness of social issues. With its range of precision medical devices, Olympus is at the forefront of the healthcare industry and is dedicated to improving the lives of patients around the world.

✓ Declared Net Zero commitment