Potential offtaker



Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


OCI NV is a leading global producer of natural gas-based fertilizers and industrial chemicals, headquartered in the Netherlands. The company has a strong presence in Europe, the United States, and the Middle East, with manufacturing facilities in various locations across these regions. OCI NV has a diversified portfolio of products, including ammonia, methanol, urea, and nitrogen fertilizers, which are used in various industries, including agriculture, construction, and energy.\n\nThe company has recently focused on decarbonisation and renewable energy, aiming to reduce its carbon footprint and promote sustainability. OCI NV has set ambitious targets to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, with a long-term goal to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. The company is committed to investing in renewable energy sources and technologies, such as green hydrogen, which can be produced using renewable energy sources like wind and solar.

OCI NV is also committed to reducing its carbon footprint by implementing carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies. The company has partnered with various organizations to explore the potential of CCS in reducing CO2 emissions from the production of ammonia and other industrial chemicals. OCI NV is also exploring opportunities in carbon utilization and storage, which involves capturing CO2 emissions and converting them into useful products or storing them underground.

Corporate energy is another area of focus for OCI NV, as the company aims to reduce its energy consumption and promote energy efficiency. The company has implemented various measures to reduce its energy consumption, such as optimizing its manufacturing processes and using energy-efficient technologies. OCI NV has also adopted corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) to source renewable energy for its operations. PPAs involve purchasing renewable energy directly from a generator, such as a wind or solar farm, for a fixed period, providing a stable source of renewable energy for the company and supporting the growth of renewable energy.

Renewable energy is a key area of focus for OCI NV, as the company aims to transition towards a more sustainable future. The company has invested in various renewable energy projects, including wind and solar farms, which provide a source of renewable energy for its operations. OCI NV is also exploring the potential of hydrogen as a clean energy source, investing in the development of green hydrogen production facilities.

OCI NV has established itself as a leader in decarbonisation and renewable energy, with a strong commitment to sustainability and reducing its carbon footprint. The company's focus on corporate energy and PPAs has enabled it to source renewable energy for its operations, supporting the growth of renewable energy and reducing its carbon emissions. OCI NV's investment in renewable energy sources and technologies, such as green hydrogen, is a testament to its commitment to sustainability and transitioning towards a more sustainable future.

✓ Declared Net Zero commitment