Potential offtaker

Nyskördade Morötter i Fjälkinge AB


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Nyskördade Morötter i Fjälkinge AB is a Swedish company that specializes in the wholesale distribution of fresh fruits and vegetables. Founded in 1985, the company has been providing high-quality produce to customers in Sweden and other parts of Europe for over three decades. With a strong commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility, Nyskördade Morötter i Fjälkinge AB has become a leader in the decarbonisation movement, working to reduce its carbon footprint and promote renewable energy solutions.

One of the key ways that Nyskördade Morötter i Fjälkinge AB is working to reduce its carbon footprint is through the implementation of a corporate energy strategy. This strategy involves a comprehensive review of the company's energy use, including the identification of areas where energy efficiency improvements can be made. By reducing its energy consumption, the company is able to lower its carbon emissions and contribute to the decarbonisation movement.

In addition to reducing its energy consumption, Nyskördade Morötter i Fjälkinge AB is also working to increase its use of renewable energy sources. One way that the company is doing this is through the implementation of a corporate power purchase agreement (PPA). A PPA is a contract between a company and a renewable energy provider, in which the company agrees to purchase a certain amount of renewable energy over a specified period of time. By entering into a PPA, Nyskördade Morötter i Fjälkinge AB is able to support the growth of renewable energy while also reducing its carbon footprint.

Another way that Nyskördade Morötter i Fjälkinge AB is promoting renewable energy is through its investment in solar panels. The company has installed a large array of solar panels on the roof of its warehouse, which generate a significant amount of renewable energy. This energy is used to power the company's operations, reducing its reliance on fossil fuels and further contributing to the decarbonisation movement.

Beyond its commitment to decarbonisation and renewable energy, Nyskördade Morötter i Fjälkinge AB is also dedicated to sustainable agriculture practices. The company works closely with local farmers to source its produce, ensuring that it is grown in a way that is environmentally responsible and socially sustainable. This includes the use of organic farming methods, which minimize the use of harmful chemicals and promote biodiversity.

In addition to its sustainable agriculture practices, Nyskördade Morötter i Fjälkinge AB is also committed to reducing food waste. The company works closely with its customers to ensure that produce is sold in a timely manner and that any excess is donated to local food banks and charities. By reducing food waste, the company is able to minimize its environmental impact while also supporting its local community.

Overall, Nyskördade Morötter i Fjälkinge AB is a company that is committed to sustainability and environmental responsibility. Through its efforts to reduce its carbon footprint, promote renewable energy, and support sustainable agriculture practices, the company is making a significant contribution to the decarbonisation movement. As the world continues to grapple with the challenges of climate change, companies like Nyskördade Morötter i Fjälkinge AB are leading the way in creating a more sustainable future.