Potential offtaker



Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


NIHON PLAST CO is a Japanese company that specializes in the production of auto parts. The company has been in operation for several years and has established itself as a leading player in the auto parts sector. NIHON PLAST CO has a strong commitment to sustainability and is actively working towards decarbonisation through the use of renewable energy sources.

NIHON PLAST CO recognizes the importance of reducing carbon emissions and has implemented several measures to achieve this goal. The company has adopted a corporate energy strategy that focuses on reducing energy consumption and increasing the use of renewable energy sources. This strategy has been successful in reducing the company's carbon footprint and has helped NIHON PLAST CO to become a more sustainable business.

One of the key initiatives that NIHON PLAST CO has undertaken to reduce its carbon emissions is the implementation of a corporate power purchase agreement (PPA). A corporate PPA is a long-term agreement between a company and a renewable energy provider to purchase a specific amount of renewable energy at a fixed price. This agreement allows NIHON PLAST CO to secure a reliable and cost-effective source of renewable energy, which helps to reduce the company's reliance on fossil fuels.

NIHON PLAST CO has also invested in renewable energy infrastructure, such as solar panels and wind turbines, to generate its own renewable energy. This investment has not only helped the company to reduce its carbon emissions but has also provided a reliable source of energy that is not subject to price fluctuations in the energy market.

In addition to its efforts to reduce carbon emissions, NIHON PLAST CO is also committed to sustainability in other areas of its business. The company has implemented a waste reduction program that focuses on reducing the amount of waste generated by its operations. This program has been successful in reducing the amount of waste sent to landfill and has helped NIHON PLAST CO to become a more environmentally responsible business.

NIHON PLAST CO is also committed to social responsibility and has implemented several initiatives to support the communities in which it operates. The company has established a community outreach program that focuses on supporting local schools and community organizations. This program has been successful in building strong relationships with the local community and has helped to enhance the company's reputation as a responsible business.

In conclusion, NIHON PLAST CO is a Japanese company that operates in the auto parts sector and is committed to sustainability. The company has implemented several initiatives to reduce its carbon emissions, including the use of renewable energy sources and the implementation of a corporate PPA. NIHON PLAST CO is also committed to social responsibility and has established a community outreach program to support the communities in which it operates. Overall, NIHON PLAST CO is a leading player in the auto parts sector and is setting an example for other businesses in the industry to follow.

✓ Declared Net Zero commitment