Potential offtaker

Nature's Management


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Nature's Management is a leading packaged food company based in the Netherlands, which has been operating for over a decade. The company is committed to providing healthy and sustainable food products to its customers while minimizing its environmental impact. Nature's Management has been at the forefront of decarbonisation efforts in the packaged food sector and has been a pioneer in adopting renewable energy solutions.

The company's commitment to sustainability can be seen in its corporate energy strategy, which focuses on reducing its carbon footprint through the adoption of renewable energy sources. Nature's Management has set ambitious targets to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, and the company has been working tirelessly to achieve these goals. The company has invested heavily in renewable energy solutions, including solar and wind power, to power its operations.

One of the key initiatives that Nature's Management has undertaken to achieve its sustainability goals is the adoption of corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs). Corporate PPAs are long-term agreements between a company and a renewable energy provider, which guarantee a fixed price for renewable energy over a specified period. By entering into these agreements, Nature's Management has been able to secure a reliable and cost-effective source of renewable energy, which has helped the company to reduce its carbon footprint significantly.

Nature's Management has also been actively involved in the decarbonisation of its supply chain. The company has been working closely with its suppliers to reduce their carbon footprint and adopt sustainable practices. This has included initiatives such as reducing packaging waste, sourcing ingredients from sustainable sources, and encouraging suppliers to adopt renewable energy solutions.

In addition to its corporate energy and decarbonisation efforts, Nature's Management has also been a leader in the adoption of renewable energy solutions. The company has installed solar panels on its facilities and has invested in wind power projects to generate renewable energy. These initiatives have not only helped the company to reduce its carbon footprint but have also helped to reduce its energy costs.

Nature's Management's commitment to sustainability has been recognized by various industry bodies and organizations. The company has received several awards for its sustainability efforts, including the Sustainable Food Award for Best Sustainable Ingredient and the European Business Award for the Environment.

In conclusion, Nature's Management is a leading packaged food company based in the Netherlands, which has been at the forefront of decarbonisation efforts in the sector. The company's corporate energy strategy, adoption of corporate PPAs, and investment in renewable energy solutions have helped it to reduce its carbon footprint significantly. Nature's Management's commitment to sustainability has been recognized by various industry bodies and organizations, and the company continues to lead the way in sustainable food production.