Potential offtaker

MRV Engenharia e Participações S.A


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


MRV Engenharia e Participações S.A is a Brazilian company that operates in the Single Family Homebuilding sector. The company was founded in 1979 and has since become one of the largest homebuilders in Brazil, with a presence in more than 160 cities across the country. MRV Engenharia e Participações S.A is committed to sustainability and has implemented several initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint and promote renewable energy.

Decarbonisation is a key focus for MRV Engenharia e Participações S.A. The company is committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions and has set a target to reduce its carbon footprint by 33% by 2030. To achieve this goal, the company has implemented several measures to reduce energy consumption and promote renewable energy.

One of the initiatives that MRV Engenharia e Participações S.A has implemented to reduce its carbon footprint is the use of renewable energy. The company has invested in solar energy and has installed solar panels on the roofs of its buildings. The solar panels generate clean energy that is used to power the company's operations, reducing its reliance on fossil fuels.

Corporate energy is another area of focus for MRV Engenharia e Participações S.A. The company has implemented an energy management system that monitors and manages energy consumption across its operations. The system identifies areas of high energy consumption and provides recommendations for reducing energy use. This has helped the company to reduce its energy consumption and lower its carbon footprint.

Corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) are another way that MRV Engenharia e Participações S.A is promoting renewable energy. The company has signed several PPAs with renewable energy providers, which allow it to purchase clean energy at a fixed price. This has helped the company to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and promote the development of renewable energy.

In addition to these initiatives, MRV Engenharia e Participações S.A has also implemented several measures to reduce waste and promote sustainability. The company has implemented a waste management system that separates and recycles waste, reducing the amount of waste that goes to landfill. The company also promotes sustainable practices among its employees and contractors, encouraging them to reduce their environmental impact.

Overall, MRV Engenharia e Participações S.A is committed to sustainability and is taking proactive steps to reduce its carbon footprint and promote renewable energy. The company's focus on decarbonisation, corporate energy, corporate PPA, and renewable energy is helping it to achieve its sustainability goals and contribute to a more sustainable future.