Potential offtaker

Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Montagu is a leading banking institution in the United Kingdom that is committed to promoting sustainable development and decarbonisation. The company has a strong focus on renewable energy and corporate energy solutions, which enable its clients to reduce their carbon footprint and achieve their sustainability goals.

Montagu is aware of the urgent need to address climate change and the role that the banking sector can play in promoting sustainable development. As such, the company has developed a range of innovative solutions that help its clients to transition towards a low-carbon economy. These solutions include corporate energy and corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs), which enable businesses to procure renewable energy directly from generators.

Corporate energy solutions are becoming increasingly popular among businesses that are looking to reduce their carbon footprint and achieve their sustainability goals. Montagu offers a range of corporate energy solutions that are tailored to the needs of its clients. These solutions include energy audits, energy efficiency measures, and renewable energy generation. By implementing these solutions, businesses can reduce their energy consumption, lower their carbon emissions, and save money on their energy bills.

Montagu also offers corporate PPAs, which enable businesses to purchase renewable energy directly from generators. Corporate PPAs are a popular way for businesses to procure renewable energy because they provide a long-term fixed price for energy, which can help to reduce energy costs and provide greater budget certainty. Montagu works with a range of renewable energy generators to provide its clients with access to a wide range of renewable energy sources, including wind, solar, and hydro.

In addition to its corporate energy and corporate PPA solutions, Montagu is also committed to promoting decarbonisation across its own operations. The company has set ambitious targets to reduce its own carbon footprint and has implemented a range of measures to achieve these targets. These measures include energy efficiency measures, renewable energy generation, and the use of low-carbon transport options.

Montagu is also committed to promoting sustainable development across the wider banking sector. The company is a signatory to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Banking and is committed to promoting sustainable finance and responsible investment. Montagu works closely with its clients to help them to understand the risks and opportunities associated with climate change and to develop sustainable business strategies that are aligned with their sustainability goals.

Montagu is a leader in the banking sector when it comes to promoting sustainable development and decarbonisation. The company's commitment to renewable energy, corporate energy, corporate PPAs, and decarbonisation is helping to drive the transition towards a low-carbon economy and to promote sustainable development across the UK and beyond.

✓ Declared Net Zero commitment