Potential offtaker

Melco International Development Limited


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Melco International Developments Limited is a Hong Kong-based company that operates in the casino sector. The company was founded in 1910 and has since grown to become one of the leading casino operators in the world. Melco International Developments Limited is listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and has a market capitalization of HKD 44.5 billion as of August 2021.

Melco International Developments Limited is committed to decarbonisation and has implemented several initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint. The company has set a target to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 and has developed a roadmap to achieve this goal. The roadmap includes the adoption of renewable energy sources, energy efficiency measures, and the implementation of carbon capture and storage technologies.

Corporate energy is a key focus area for Melco International Developments Limited. The company has implemented several energy efficiency measures across its operations to reduce its energy consumption and carbon emissions. These measures include the installation of energy-efficient lighting systems, the use of energy-efficient equipment, and the implementation of energy management systems.

Melco International Developments Limited has also entered into several corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) to support the development of renewable energy projects. The company has signed PPAs with several renewable energy developers to purchase renewable energy certificates and support the development of renewable energy projects. These PPAs have helped the company to reduce its carbon footprint and support the development of renewable energy projects.

Renewable energy is a key focus area for Melco International Developments Limited. The company has invested in several renewable energy projects, including solar and wind power projects. These projects have helped the company to reduce its carbon footprint and support the development of renewable energy sources.

Melco International Developments Limited has also implemented several initiatives to promote sustainability across its operations. The company has developed a sustainability policy that outlines its commitment to sustainability and sets out the principles that guide its sustainability initiatives. The policy covers areas such as environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and governance.

Environmental sustainability is a key focus area for Melco International Developments Limited. The company has implemented several initiatives to reduce its environmental impact, including the adoption of renewable energy sources, energy efficiency measures, and waste reduction measures. The company has also implemented a water conservation program to reduce its water consumption and promote water conservation.

Social responsibility is another key focus area for Melco International Developments Limited. The company has implemented several initiatives to support the communities in which it operates. These initiatives include the development of community programs, the provision of education and training programs, and the support of local businesses.

Governance is also a key focus area for Melco International Developments Limited. The company has implemented a strong governance framework to ensure that its operations are conducted in an ethical and transparent manner. The company has also implemented a code of conduct that sets out the standards of behavior expected of its employees and stakeholders.

In conclusion, Melco International Developments Limited is a Hong Kong-based company that operates in the casino sector. The company is committed to decarbonisation and has implemented several initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint. Corporate energy, corporate PPA, and renewable energy are key focus areas for the company. The company has also implemented several initiatives to promote sustainability across its operations, including environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and governance. Melco International Developments Limited is a leader in the casino sector and is committed to operating in an ethical and sustainable manner.

✓ Declared Net Zero commitment