Potential offtaker

MAS Capital Ptv Ltd.

Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


MAS Capital Ptv Ltd. is a Sri Lankan company that is dedicated to providing innovative solutions to the challenges of decarbonisation and corporate energy. The company has a strong focus on renewable energy and has been at the forefront of the corporate power purchase agreement (PPA) market in Sri Lanka.

Decarbonisation is a key issue facing the world today, and MAS Capital Ptv Ltd. is committed to playing its part in addressing this challenge. The company recognises that reducing carbon emissions is essential for the long-term sustainability of the planet, and it is working to develop solutions that will help its clients to achieve this goal.

One of the key ways in which MAS Capital Ptv Ltd. is helping its clients to reduce their carbon emissions is through the use of renewable energy. The company has a strong focus on solar power, and it has developed a number of innovative solutions that allow its clients to generate their own electricity using solar panels.

One of the most important ways in which MAS Capital Ptv Ltd. is helping its clients to transition to renewable energy is through the use of corporate PPAs. A corporate PPA is an agreement between a company and a renewable energy provider, whereby the company agrees to purchase a certain amount of renewable energy from the provider over a set period of time.

Corporate PPAs are an important tool for companies that are looking to transition to renewable energy, as they provide a stable and predictable source of renewable energy at a fixed price. This allows companies to plan their energy use more effectively, and it also helps to reduce their exposure to price volatility in the energy market.

MAS Capital Ptv Ltd. has been at the forefront of the corporate PPA market in Sri Lanka, and it has developed a number of innovative solutions that allow its clients to access renewable energy at a competitive price. The company has a strong track record of delivering successful corporate PPAs, and it has developed a reputation as a trusted and reliable partner for companies that are looking to transition to renewable energy.

In addition to its work on corporate PPAs, MAS Capital Ptv Ltd. is also involved in a number of other initiatives that are aimed at promoting renewable energy and decarbonisation. The company is involved in the development of new renewable energy projects, and it is also working to promote the use of energy-efficient technologies.

One of the key areas of focus for MAS Capital Ptv Ltd. is the development of new solar power projects. The company has a team of experienced engineers and project managers who are dedicated to developing innovative and cost-effective solar power solutions for its clients.

MAS Capital Ptv Ltd. is also involved in the promotion of energy-efficient technologies. The company recognises that reducing energy consumption is an important part of the decarbonisation process, and it is working to develop solutions that will help its clients to reduce their energy use.

Overall, MAS Capital Ptv Ltd. is a company that is dedicated to providing innovative solutions to the challenges of decarbonisation and corporate energy. The company has a strong focus on renewable energy, and it has developed a number of innovative solutions that allow its clients to transition to renewable energy at a competitive price. With its strong track record of delivering successful projects, MAS Capital Ptv Ltd. is a trusted and reliable partner for companies that are looking to transition to renewable energy and reduce their carbon emissions.