Potential offtaker

GoodWay Technology Co.,Ltd.

Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


GoodWay Technology Co., Ltd. is a Taiwanese company that operates in the Other Machinery & Equipment sector. The company has been in business for over 30 years and has established itself as a leader in the manufacturing of electronic components and machinery. GoodWay Technology Co., Ltd. has a strong commitment to sustainability and has implemented various initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint and promote renewable energy.

Decarbonisation is a key focus of GoodWay Technology Co., Ltd. The company recognizes the importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and has implemented various measures to achieve this goal. One of the main initiatives is the implementation of energy-efficient technologies in its manufacturing processes. GoodWay Technology Co., Ltd. has invested in new equipment and processes that are more energy-efficient and produce fewer emissions. The company has also implemented a waste reduction program that aims to minimize the amount of waste generated during the manufacturing process.

Corporate energy is another area of focus for GoodWay Technology Co., Ltd. The company has implemented various measures to reduce its energy consumption and promote energy efficiency. One of the main initiatives is the installation of energy-efficient lighting systems in its facilities. The company has also implemented a program to monitor and analyze its energy consumption, which has helped identify areas where energy can be saved. GoodWay Technology Co., Ltd. has also implemented a policy to encourage its employees to conserve energy, such as turning off lights and computers when not in use.

Corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) are another initiative that GoodWay Technology Co., Ltd. has implemented to promote renewable energy. The company has entered into agreements with renewable energy providers to purchase electricity generated from renewable sources, such as wind and solar. This has helped the company reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and promote the use of renewable energy. GoodWay Technology Co., Ltd. has also invested in renewable energy projects, such as solar panels on its facilities, to generate its own renewable energy.

Renewable energy is a key focus for GoodWay Technology Co., Ltd. The company recognizes the importance of transitioning to renewable energy sources and has implemented various initiatives to promote their use. In addition to corporate PPAs and investing in renewable energy projects, the company has also implemented a program to encourage its suppliers to use renewable energy. GoodWay Technology Co., Ltd. has also implemented a policy to promote the use of electric vehicles among its employees, which has helped reduce the company's carbon footprint.

In conclusion, GoodWay Technology Co., Ltd. is a Taiwanese company that operates in the Other Machinery & Equipment sector. The company has a strong commitment to sustainability and has implemented various initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint and promote renewable energy. Decarbonisation, corporate energy, corporate PPAs, and renewable energy are all key focus areas for the company. GoodWay Technology Co., Ltd. recognizes the importance of transitioning to renewable energy sources and has implemented various initiatives to promote their use. The company's commitment to sustainability has helped establish it as a leader in the industry and a model for other companies to follow.