Potential offtaker

ETAP Lighting International


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


ETAP Lighting International is a leading company in the lighting fixture sector based in Belgium. The company has been in operation for over 70 years and has established itself as a reliable and innovative provider of lighting solutions for various industries. ETAP Lighting International is committed to sustainability and has taken significant steps towards decarbonization, corporate energy, corporate PPA, and renewable energy.

Decarbonization is a critical issue facing the world today, and ETAP Lighting International recognizes the importance of reducing carbon emissions. The company has implemented various measures to reduce its carbon footprint, such as investing in energy-efficient lighting solutions and optimizing its production processes. ETAP Lighting International has also set ambitious targets to reduce its carbon emissions further, and the company is continually exploring new ways to achieve these targets.

Corporate energy is another area where ETAP Lighting International has made significant strides. The company has implemented an energy management system that monitors and optimizes energy consumption across its operations. This system has enabled the company to reduce its energy consumption significantly, resulting in cost savings and a lower carbon footprint. ETAP Lighting International has also implemented renewable energy solutions such as solar panels and wind turbines to generate clean energy for its operations.

Corporate PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) is an innovative way for companies to source renewable energy. ETAP Lighting International has entered into several corporate PPAs with renewable energy providers to source clean energy for its operations. These agreements have enabled the company to reduce its carbon footprint and support the growth of the renewable energy sector.

Renewable energy is a critical area of focus for ETAP Lighting International. The company has invested in renewable energy solutions such as solar panels and wind turbines to generate clean energy for its operations. ETAP Lighting International has also implemented energy-efficient lighting solutions that use renewable energy sources such as LED lighting. The company is committed to increasing its use of renewable energy and reducing its reliance on fossil fuels.

ETAP Lighting International's commitment to sustainability has earned the company several awards and certifications. The company has been awarded the ISO 14001 certification for its environmental management system, which recognizes its efforts to reduce its environmental impact. ETAP Lighting International has also been recognized by the European Commission for its commitment to sustainability and has received the European Business Award for the Environment.

ETAP Lighting International's sustainability efforts extend beyond its operations. The company is committed to promoting sustainable practices in the lighting industry and has developed several initiatives to achieve this goal. ETAP Lighting International has established a sustainability task force that works to identify and implement sustainable practices across the company's operations. The company has also developed a sustainability roadmap that outlines its sustainability goals and initiatives.

In conclusion, ETAP Lighting International is a leading company in the lighting fixture sector that is committed to sustainability. The company has taken significant steps towards decarbonization, corporate energy, corporate PPA, and renewable energy. ETAP Lighting International's commitment to sustainability has earned the company several awards and certifications, and the company is continually exploring new ways to reduce its environmental impact. ETAP Lighting International's sustainability efforts extend beyond its operations, and the company is committed to promoting sustainable practices in the lighting industry.