Potential offtaker

Erevista Inc

Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Erevista Inc is a Japanese company that is dedicated to providing innovative solutions for decarbonisation and sustainable energy practices. The company has been at the forefront of the renewable energy industry in Japan and has been instrumental in driving the adoption of corporate energy and corporate PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) models in the country.

The company was founded in 2010 by a group of passionate individuals who saw the need for a more sustainable future for Japan. The Fukushima disaster in 2011 further reinforced the company's mission to promote renewable energy and reduce the country's dependence on nuclear power. Erevista Inc has since grown to become one of the leading renewable energy companies in Japan, with a strong focus on corporate energy solutions.

One of the key areas of focus for Erevista Inc is decarbonisation. The company recognises the urgent need to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change. To this end, Erevista Inc has developed a range of innovative solutions that help businesses reduce their carbon footprint. These solutions include renewable energy systems such as solar, wind, and geothermal, as well as energy efficiency measures such as LED lighting and smart building management systems.

Erevista Inc has also been a pioneer in the adoption of corporate PPA models in Japan. Corporate PPAs are long-term agreements between a business and a renewable energy provider, where the business agrees to purchase a certain amount of renewable energy from the provider at a fixed price. This model has been successful in other countries, but was relatively unknown in Japan until Erevista Inc introduced it. The company has been instrumental in driving the adoption of corporate PPAs in Japan, helping businesses to reduce their carbon footprint and save money on energy costs.

Renewable energy is another area of focus for Erevista Inc. The company recognises the potential of renewable energy to provide a sustainable and reliable source of energy for Japan. Erevista Inc has been involved in the development of a number of renewable energy projects in Japan, including solar and wind farms. The company has also developed innovative solutions for integrating renewable energy into the grid, such as energy storage systems and smart grid technologies.

Erevista Inc has a strong commitment to sustainability and social responsibility. The company recognises that its operations have an impact on the environment and society, and strives to minimise this impact. Erevista Inc has implemented a number of initiatives to reduce its own carbon footprint, such as using renewable energy in its own operations and promoting sustainable transportation options for its employees. The company also supports a number of social and environmental initiatives, such as tree planting and beach clean-up projects.

In addition to its focus on decarbonisation and renewable energy, Erevista Inc is also committed to innovation and technology. The company recognises the potential of technology to drive sustainable solutions and has invested heavily in research and development. Erevista Inc has developed a range of innovative solutions for energy management, such as smart building management systems and energy storage solutions. The company also collaborates with other companies and research institutions to develop new technologies and solutions for sustainable energy.

Erevista Inc has a strong track record of success in the renewable energy industry in Japan. The company has been involved in a number of high-profile projects, such as the development of a solar farm in Fukushima and the installation of a wind turbine on top of a skyscraper in Tokyo. Erevista Inc has also received a number of awards and accolades for its work, including the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's Energy Conservation Grand Prize.

In conclusion, Erevista Inc is a Japanese company that is dedicated to promoting decarbonisation and sustainable energy practices. The company has been at the forefront of the renewable energy industry in Japan and has been instrumental in driving the adoption of corporate energy and corporate PPA models in the country. Erevista Inc has a strong commitment to sustainability and social responsibility, and has developed a range of innovative solutions for energy management and renewable energy. The company has a strong track record of success in the industry and is well positioned to continue to drive sustainable solutions in Japan and beyond.