Potential offtaker

DB Cargo (UK) Limited


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


DB Cargo (UK) Limited is a leading rail freight company in the United Kingdom that has been providing reliable and efficient transportation services for over 50 years. With a strong commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation, the company has been at the forefront of the UK's transition to a low-carbon economy.

DB Cargo (UK) Limited operates a fleet of modern locomotives and wagons that are designed to reduce emissions and improve fuel efficiency. The company has invested heavily in the latest technology and equipment to ensure that its operations are as environmentally friendly as possible.

One of the key strategies that DB Cargo (UK) Limited has adopted to reduce its carbon footprint is the use of renewable energy. The company has entered into several corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) with renewable energy providers to source electricity from wind and solar farms. These agreements not only help to reduce the company's carbon emissions but also provide a stable and predictable source of energy at a competitive price.

In addition to sourcing renewable energy, DB Cargo (UK) Limited has also implemented several energy efficiency measures across its operations. The company has invested in energy-efficient lighting, heating, and cooling systems to reduce energy consumption in its offices and depots. It has also implemented a range of measures to improve the efficiency of its locomotives, including the use of regenerative braking and the installation of energy-saving technologies.

DB Cargo (UK) Limited is committed to playing a leading role in the decarbonisation of the UK's transport sector. The company has set ambitious targets to reduce its carbon emissions and has developed a comprehensive decarbonisation strategy to achieve these goals. This strategy includes the use of alternative fuels such as hydrogen and biofuels, the electrification of its fleet, and the adoption of new technologies such as autonomous trains.

To support its decarbonisation efforts, DB Cargo (UK) Limited has also established a corporate energy team that is responsible for managing the company's energy consumption and identifying opportunities to reduce its carbon footprint. This team works closely with the company's operations and engineering teams to implement energy efficiency measures and identify new technologies and processes that can help to reduce emissions.

Overall, DB Cargo (UK) Limited is a leading rail freight company that is committed to sustainability and decarbonisation. Through its use of renewable energy, energy efficiency measures, and ambitious decarbonisation strategy, the company is helping to drive the transition to a low-carbon economy in the UK's transport sector.