Potential offtaker

Daido Trading Co.,Ltd.

Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


DAIDO TRADING CO., LTD is a Japanese company that operates in the Other Machinery & Equipment sector. The company has been in operation since 1963 and has a long-standing reputation for providing high-quality machinery and equipment to its customers. Over the years, the company has expanded its operations and has become one of the leading players in the Japanese machinery and equipment market.

DAIDO TRADING CO., LTD is committed to decarbonisation and has taken several steps to reduce its carbon footprint. The company has implemented various measures to reduce its energy consumption, including the installation of energy-efficient equipment and the use of renewable energy sources. The company has also implemented a corporate energy management system to monitor and control its energy consumption.

One of the key initiatives taken by DAIDO TRADING CO., LTD in the area of decarbonisation is the implementation of a Corporate Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). A Corporate PPA is a long-term agreement between a company and a renewable energy provider, under which the company agrees to purchase a specified amount of renewable energy at a fixed price. By entering into a Corporate PPA, DAIDO TRADING CO., LTD is able to reduce its carbon footprint and support the development of renewable energy sources.

In addition to its commitment to decarbonisation, DAIDO TRADING CO., LTD is also committed to corporate social responsibility. The company has implemented various initiatives to support the local community and promote sustainable development. For example, the company has implemented a waste reduction program and has partnered with local organizations to promote environmental awareness.

DAIDO TRADING CO., LTD is also actively involved in the promotion of renewable energy sources. The company has invested in the development of renewable energy projects and has partnered with renewable energy providers to promote the adoption of renewable energy sources. The company has also implemented a renewable energy training program to educate its employees and customers about the benefits of renewable energy.

Overall, DAIDO TRADING CO., LTD is a company that is committed to decarbonisation and the promotion of renewable energy sources. The company has taken several initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint and support the development of renewable energy sources. With its long-standing reputation for providing high-quality machinery and equipment, DAIDO TRADING CO., LTD is well-positioned to play a leading role in the transition to a low-carbon economy.