Potential offtaker

CLS Holdings PLC


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


CLS Holdings PLC is a UK-based company that operates in the Multi Asset Class Own & Develop sector. The company has a diversified portfolio of properties, including office buildings, retail spaces, and residential properties. With a focus on sustainability and decarbonisation, CLS Holdings PLC has been actively working towards reducing its carbon footprint and promoting the use of renewable energy sources.

One of the key areas of focus for CLS Holdings PLC is corporate energy management. The company has implemented a number of initiatives to reduce its energy consumption and improve its energy efficiency. This includes the use of energy-efficient lighting, heating, and cooling systems, as well as the installation of smart meters to monitor energy usage in real-time. By reducing its energy consumption, CLS Holdings PLC is not only reducing its carbon footprint but also saving money on energy costs.

Another important initiative for CLS Holdings PLC is the use of corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) to source renewable energy. PPAs allow companies to purchase renewable energy directly from a generator, such as a wind or solar farm, at a fixed price over a long-term contract. This provides a stable and predictable source of renewable energy, while also supporting the growth of the renewable energy sector. CLS Holdings PLC has signed several corporate PPAs with renewable energy generators, including wind farms and solar parks, to source renewable energy for its properties.

In addition to sourcing renewable energy through corporate PPAs, CLS Holdings PLC has also invested in renewable energy infrastructure. The company has installed solar panels on several of its properties, which generate renewable energy that can be used on-site or sold back to the grid. CLS Holdings PLC has also invested in battery storage technology, which allows it to store excess renewable energy for use when demand is high.

Decarbonisation is a key priority for CLS Holdings PLC, and the company has set ambitious targets to reduce its carbon footprint. The company has committed to achieving net-zero carbon emissions across its entire portfolio by 2050, in line with the UK government's target. To achieve this, CLS Holdings PLC is implementing a range of measures, including energy efficiency improvements, the use of renewable energy, and the electrification of its vehicle fleet.

One of the ways that CLS Holdings PLC is promoting decarbonisation is through its Green Lease Toolkit. This toolkit provides guidance and best practice for landlords and tenants to work together to reduce energy consumption and promote sustainability. The toolkit includes a range of measures, such as energy-efficient lighting, heating, and cooling systems, as well as the use of renewable energy and the promotion of sustainable transport options.

In conclusion, CLS Holdings PLC is a UK-based company that operates in the Multi Asset Class Own & Develop sector. The company has a strong focus on sustainability and decarbonisation, and is actively working towards reducing its carbon footprint and promoting the use of renewable energy sources. Through initiatives such as corporate energy management, corporate PPAs, and investment in renewable energy infrastructure, CLS Holdings PLC is leading the way in promoting sustainability in the property sector. With ambitious targets to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, CLS Holdings PLC is setting an example for other companies to follow in the transition to a low-carbon economy.

✓ Science Based Targets member
✓ Declared Net Zero commitment