Potential offtaker

City Facilities Management Holdings Ltd (UK)


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


City Facilities Management Holdings Ltd (CFM) is a leading facilities management company based in the United Kingdom. The company operates in the Other Commercial Support Services sector, providing a range of services to clients across various industries. CFM has a strong focus on sustainability and has been actively working towards decarbonisation and the adoption of renewable energy sources.

CFM's commitment to sustainability is evident in its corporate energy strategy, which aims to reduce the company's carbon footprint and promote the use of renewable energy. The company has set ambitious targets to reduce its carbon emissions by 50% by 2030 and achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. CFM has also committed to sourcing 100% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2025.

One of the key initiatives that CFM has undertaken to achieve these targets is the adoption of Corporate Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs). A Corporate PPA is a long-term agreement between a company and a renewable energy provider, where the company agrees to purchase a specified amount of renewable energy at a fixed price over a certain period. This allows companies like CFM to secure a reliable and cost-effective source of renewable energy, while also supporting the growth of the renewable energy sector.

CFM has signed several Corporate PPAs in recent years, including agreements with wind and solar energy providers. In 2020, the company signed a 15-year PPA with a wind farm in Scotland, which will provide 100% of the electricity needed to power CFM's operations in the country. This PPA is expected to reduce the company's carbon emissions by over 21,000 tonnes per year.

In addition to Corporate PPAs, CFM has also invested in on-site renewable energy generation. The company has installed solar panels on several of its buildings, which generate clean energy to power its operations. CFM has also implemented energy efficiency measures across its facilities, such as LED lighting and energy-efficient HVAC systems, to reduce its overall energy consumption.

CFM's commitment to sustainability extends beyond its own operations. The company works closely with its clients to help them reduce their carbon footprint and adopt sustainable practices. CFM provides a range of services to support decarbonisation, including energy audits, renewable energy installations, and carbon offsetting schemes.

CFM's focus on sustainability has been recognised by several industry awards and certifications. The company has been awarded the Carbon Trust Standard for Carbon, the ISO 14001 Environmental Management certification, and the Investors in People Gold Award for its commitment to employee engagement and development.

In conclusion, City Facilities Management Holdings Ltd (CFM) is a leading facilities management company in the United Kingdom that is committed to sustainability and decarbonisation. The company has set ambitious targets to reduce its carbon footprint and has adopted a range of initiatives to achieve these targets, including Corporate Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) and on-site renewable energy generation. CFM works closely with its clients to support their decarbonisation efforts and has been recognised with several industry awards and certifications for its commitment to sustainability.