Potential offtaker

Brewin Dolphin Holdings plc


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Brewin Dolphin Holdings PLC is a leading investment management firm based in the United Kingdom. The company has a long history of providing financial services to clients, with roots dating back to 1762. Today, Brewin Dolphin is a modern and dynamic company that is committed to helping its clients achieve their financial goals through a range of investment management services.

One of the key areas of focus for Brewin Dolphin is decarbonisation. The company recognises the importance of reducing carbon emissions and transitioning to a more sustainable economy. As part of this commitment, Brewin Dolphin has implemented a number of initiatives to reduce its own carbon footprint and to support its clients in their efforts to decarbonise.

One of the ways in which Brewin Dolphin is supporting decarbonisation is through its corporate energy strategy. The company has implemented a number of measures to reduce its energy consumption and to increase the use of renewable energy sources. For example, Brewin Dolphin has invested in energy-efficient lighting and heating systems, and has installed solar panels on the roofs of its offices. These measures have helped to reduce the company's carbon footprint and to lower its energy costs.

Another way in which Brewin Dolphin is supporting decarbonisation is through its corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs). A PPA is a contract between a renewable energy generator and a corporate buyer, in which the buyer agrees to purchase a certain amount of renewable energy from the generator over a set period of time. By entering into PPAs, companies like Brewin Dolphin can support the development of new renewable energy projects and reduce their reliance on fossil fuels.

Brewin Dolphin has entered into a number of corporate PPAs with renewable energy generators in recent years. For example, in 2019 the company signed a PPA with a wind farm in Scotland, which will provide Brewin Dolphin with 100% renewable electricity for its Scottish offices. This agreement will help to reduce the company's carbon footprint and support the development of new renewable energy projects in Scotland.

In addition to its focus on decarbonisation, Brewin Dolphin is also committed to supporting its clients in their efforts to transition to a more sustainable economy. The company offers a range of investment management services that are designed to help clients invest in renewable energy and other sustainable sectors.

For example, Brewin Dolphin offers a range of renewable energy funds that invest in companies involved in the production of renewable energy. These funds provide investors with exposure to the growing renewable energy sector, while also supporting the development of new renewable energy projects.

Brewin Dolphin also offers a range of sustainable investment funds that invest in companies that meet certain environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria. These funds are designed to help investors achieve their financial goals while also supporting companies that are committed to sustainability and responsible business practices.

Overall, Brewin Dolphin Holdings PLC is a leading investment management firm that is committed to supporting decarbonisation and the transition to a more sustainable economy. The company has implemented a range of measures to reduce its own carbon footprint and to support its clients in their efforts to decarbonise. Through its corporate PPAs and investment management services, Brewin Dolphin is helping to support the development of new renewable energy projects and to promote sustainable business practices.

✓ Declared Net Zero commitment