Potential offtaker

BioMar Group


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


BioMar Group is a Danish company that operates in the packaged food sector. The company is a leading supplier of high-quality feed for the aquaculture industry, with a focus on sustainability and innovation. BioMar Group has a global presence, with operations in more than 80 countries, and employs over 1,500 people.

The company's mission is to provide sustainable and nutritious feed solutions for the aquaculture industry, while also reducing its environmental impact. BioMar Group is committed to decarbonisation and has set ambitious targets to reduce its carbon footprint. The company is also investing in renewable energy and exploring new ways to reduce its energy consumption.

One of the ways BioMar Group is working towards decarbonisation is through its corporate energy strategy. The company has implemented a range of measures to reduce its energy consumption, including the installation of energy-efficient lighting and heating systems, as well as the use of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power.

BioMar Group is also exploring the use of corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) to source renewable energy. A corporate PPA is a long-term contract between a company and a renewable energy provider, which guarantees a fixed price for the energy produced. By entering into a corporate PPA, BioMar Group can secure a reliable source of renewable energy while also reducing its carbon footprint.

In addition to its corporate energy strategy, BioMar Group is also investing in renewable energy projects. The company has installed solar panels at several of its facilities, which generate renewable energy and help to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels. BioMar Group is also exploring the use of other renewable energy sources, such as wind power and biomass.

BioMar Group's commitment to sustainability extends beyond its energy strategy and renewable energy projects. The company is also working to reduce its environmental impact through its feed solutions. BioMar Group has developed a range of sustainable feed solutions that are designed to improve the health and welfare of fish while also reducing the environmental impact of aquaculture.

One example of BioMar Group's sustainable feed solutions is its ORBIT feed concept. ORBIT is a range of feed solutions that are designed to improve the health and performance of fish while also reducing the environmental impact of aquaculture. The ORBIT feed concept includes a range of feed solutions that are tailored to the specific needs of different fish species, as well as a range of sustainable ingredients such as algae and insect meal.

BioMar Group is also committed to transparency and traceability in its supply chain. The company works closely with its suppliers to ensure that its feed ingredients are sustainably sourced and traceable. BioMar Group also provides customers with detailed information about the origin and composition of its feed products, enabling them to make informed decisions about the sustainability of their aquaculture operations.

In conclusion, BioMar Group is a Danish company that operates in the packaged food sector, with a focus on sustainable feed solutions for the aquaculture industry. The company is committed to decarbonisation and is investing in renewable energy and exploring new ways to reduce its energy consumption. BioMar Group's sustainable feed solutions are designed to improve the health and welfare of fish while also reducing the environmental impact of aquaculture. The company's commitment to transparency and traceability in its supply chain ensures that its feed ingredients are sustainably sourced and traceable. Overall, BioMar Group is a leader in sustainability and innovation in the aquaculture industry.