Potential offtaker

Bertegruppen AB


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Bertegruppen AB is a Swedish company that operates in the Other Financial Services sector. The company is committed to decarbonisation and has been actively involved in promoting renewable energy solutions. Bertegruppen AB offers a range of services to its clients, including corporate energy solutions, corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs), and renewable energy financing.

Decarbonisation is a key focus area for Bertegruppen AB. The company believes that it is essential to reduce carbon emissions to mitigate the impact of climate change. Bertegruppen AB works with its clients to identify opportunities to reduce their carbon footprint and implement solutions that are sustainable and cost-effective. The company offers a range of services to support decarbonisation efforts, including energy audits, carbon footprint assessments, and renewable energy solutions.

One of the key services offered by Bertegruppen AB is corporate energy solutions. The company works with its clients to develop tailored energy solutions that meet their specific needs. This includes identifying energy efficiency measures, implementing renewable energy solutions, and managing energy consumption. Bertegruppen AB has a team of experts who have extensive experience in the energy sector and can provide valuable insights and advice to clients.

Corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) are another area of expertise for Bertegruppen AB. The company has a deep understanding of the renewable energy market and can help its clients navigate the complexities of PPAs. Bertegruppen AB works with its clients to identify suitable renewable energy projects and negotiate favourable terms for PPAs. The company also provides ongoing support to ensure that clients are getting the most out of their PPAs.

Renewable energy financing is another area of focus for Bertegruppen AB. The company has a range of financing options available to support renewable energy projects. This includes debt financing, equity financing, and project financing. Bertegruppen AB works with its clients to identify the most appropriate financing option for their project and provides ongoing support to ensure that the project is successful.

Bertegruppen AB has a strong commitment to renewable energy and has been involved in a number of high-profile projects. The company has worked with a range of clients, including large corporations, municipalities, and government agencies. Bertegruppen AB has a track record of delivering successful projects that have had a positive impact on the environment and the bottom line.

One of the key factors that sets Bertegruppen AB apart from its competitors is its focus on innovation. The company is constantly looking for new and innovative ways to support its clients' decarbonisation efforts. Bertegruppen AB has a team of experts who are dedicated to researching and developing new solutions that can help clients reduce their carbon footprint.

Bertegruppen AB is also committed to corporate social responsibility. The company believes that it has a responsibility to give back to the community and to support social and environmental causes. Bertegruppen AB has a range of initiatives in place to support these efforts, including charitable donations and employee volunteer programs.

In conclusion, Bertegruppen AB is a Swedish company that operates in the Other Financial Services sector. The company is committed to decarbonisation and has a strong focus on renewable energy solutions. Bertegruppen AB offers a range of services to its clients, including corporate energy solutions, corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs), and renewable energy financing. The company has a track record of delivering successful projects and is known for its innovative approach to problem-solving. Bertegruppen AB is also committed to corporate social responsibility and has a range of initiatives in place to support social and environmental causes.