Potential offtaker

Barilla G.R. Fratelli SpA


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Barilla G.R. Fratelli SpA is a leading Italian company that operates in the bakery products sector. The company was founded in 1877 by Pietro Barilla and has grown to become one of the largest pasta and bakery products manufacturers in the world. The company is headquartered in Parma, Italy, and has operations in over 100 countries worldwide.

Barilla has a strong commitment to sustainability and has implemented several initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint and promote renewable energy. The company's sustainability strategy is based on three pillars: reducing environmental impact, promoting healthy eating habits, and supporting local communities.

Decarbonisation is a key focus area for Barilla. The company has set ambitious targets to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and has implemented several measures to achieve them. Barilla has invested in energy-efficient technologies and has optimized its production processes to reduce energy consumption. The company has also implemented a carbon offset program to compensate for its remaining emissions.

Corporate energy is another area of focus for Barilla. The company has implemented several initiatives to increase the use of renewable energy in its operations. Barilla has installed solar panels in several of its facilities, which generate clean energy and reduce the company's reliance on fossil fuels. The company has also invested in wind power and has signed several power purchase agreements (PPAs) with renewable energy providers.

Corporate PPA is an innovative financing mechanism that allows companies to purchase renewable energy directly from energy providers. Barilla has signed several corporate PPAs with renewable energy providers, which has enabled the company to increase its use of renewable energy and reduce its carbon footprint. The company's corporate PPAs have also helped to promote the development of renewable energy projects in the regions where Barilla operates.

Renewable energy is a key component of Barilla's sustainability strategy. The company has set a target to source 50% of its energy from renewable sources by 2020 and is on track to achieve this goal. Barilla's commitment to renewable energy has been recognized by several industry organizations, including the Carbon Disclosure Project, which has awarded the company an A- rating for its efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

In addition to its sustainability initiatives, Barilla is also committed to promoting healthy eating habits and supporting local communities. The company has implemented several initiatives to promote healthy eating habits, including the development of products with reduced salt and sugar content. Barilla also supports local communities through its social responsibility programs, which focus on education, health, and environmental sustainability.

Barilla's commitment to sustainability and renewable energy has helped to position the company as a leader in the bakery products sector. The company's sustainability initiatives have not only helped to reduce its environmental impact but have also generated significant cost savings and enhanced its reputation among customers and stakeholders. Barilla's success in implementing sustainability initiatives can serve as a model for other companies in the bakery products sector and beyond.