Potential offtaker

Auchan Retail


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Auchan Retail is a French multinational retail company that operates in the food and beverage wholesalers sector. The company was founded in 1961 by Gérard Mulliez, and it has since grown to become one of the largest retail chains in Europe. Auchan Retail operates in 17 countries worldwide, with over 3,700 stores and more than 345,000 employees.

Auchan Retail has been committed to decarbonisation and reducing its carbon footprint for many years. The company has set ambitious targets to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030 and to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. Auchan Retail has implemented a range of measures to achieve these targets, including investing in renewable energy, improving energy efficiency, and promoting sustainable transport.

One of Auchan Retail's key initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint is its corporate energy program. The program aims to reduce the company's energy consumption and increase its use of renewable energy sources. Auchan Retail has implemented a range of energy-saving measures across its stores, warehouses, and offices, including installing energy-efficient lighting, heating, and cooling systems, and using smart building management systems to optimize energy use.

Auchan Retail has also invested in renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power. The company has signed several corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) with renewable energy providers, which enable it to purchase renewable energy directly from the source. These PPAs help Auchan Retail to reduce its carbon footprint and support the growth of renewable energy.

In 2020, Auchan Retail signed a PPA with a wind farm in Spain, which will supply the company with 100% renewable energy for its stores and warehouses in the country. The PPA will enable Auchan Retail to reduce its carbon emissions by over 50,000 tonnes per year, equivalent to the emissions of more than 10,000 cars.

Auchan Retail is also committed to promoting sustainable transport and reducing its reliance on fossil fuels. The company has implemented a range of measures to encourage its employees to use public transport, cycling, and electric vehicles. Auchan Retail has also invested in electric vehicle charging infrastructure at its stores and warehouses, enabling customers and employees to charge their electric vehicles while they shop or work.

In addition to its corporate energy program, Auchan Retail has implemented a range of other sustainability initiatives across its operations. The company has set targets to reduce its water consumption, waste production, and use of single-use plastics. Auchan Retail has also implemented sustainable sourcing policies, which aim to reduce the environmental impact of its supply chain and promote ethical and responsible business practices.

Auchan Retail's commitment to sustainability has been recognized by a range of external organizations. The company has been included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for several years, which recognizes companies that demonstrate leadership in sustainability. Auchan Retail has also been awarded several sustainability certifications, including ISO 14001 for environmental management and ISO 50001 for energy management.

In conclusion, Auchan Retail is a leading retail company in the food and beverage wholesalers sector, with a strong commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation. The company has set ambitious targets to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, and it has implemented a range of measures to achieve these targets, including investing in renewable energy, improving energy efficiency, and promoting sustainable transport. Auchan Retail's corporate energy program, which includes corporate PPAs and investment in renewable energy sources, is a key part of its sustainability strategy and has enabled the company to reduce its carbon footprint significantly.

✓ Current offtaker under Corporate PPA's
✓ Science Based Targets member