Potential offtaker

Atlas Honda Limited


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Atlas Honda Limited is a leading manufacturer of motorcycles in Pakistan. The company was established in 1962 as a joint venture between Atlas Group and Honda Motor Company, Japan. Atlas Honda Limited has been providing quality motorcycles to the Pakistani market for over 50 years. The company has a strong reputation for producing reliable, high-quality motorcycles that are affordable for the masses.

Atlas Honda Limited is committed to sustainable development and has taken various initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint. The company has implemented a decarbonisation strategy that aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainable practices. The decarbonisation strategy includes the use of renewable energy sources, energy-efficient technologies, and waste reduction measures.

One of the key initiatives taken by Atlas Honda Limited is the adoption of corporate energy management practices. The company has implemented energy-efficient technologies and practices in its manufacturing facilities to reduce energy consumption and lower its carbon footprint. The company has also implemented a corporate energy management system that monitors and tracks energy consumption and identifies opportunities for improvement.

Atlas Honda Limited has also entered into a corporate power purchase agreement (PPA) with a renewable energy provider. The PPA allows the company to purchase renewable energy from a third-party provider at a fixed price for a specified period. This initiative has helped the company to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and promote the use of renewable energy sources.

The company has also invested in renewable energy projects to reduce its carbon footprint. Atlas Honda Limited has installed solar panels at its manufacturing facilities to generate renewable energy. The solar panels generate clean energy, which is used to power the company's operations. The company has also invested in wind energy projects to further promote the use of renewable energy sources.

Atlas Honda Limited has also implemented waste reduction measures to reduce its environmental impact. The company has implemented a waste management system that segregates waste and promotes recycling and reuse. The company has also implemented a water conservation program that promotes the efficient use of water in its manufacturing facilities.

The company has also taken various initiatives to promote sustainable practices in the community. Atlas Honda Limited has launched a tree plantation campaign to promote afforestation and combat deforestation. The company has also launched a road safety campaign to promote safe driving practices and reduce road accidents.

Atlas Honda Limited is committed to promoting sustainable development and reducing its environmental impact. The company has taken various initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint and promote sustainable practices. The company's decarbonisation strategy includes the use of renewable energy sources, energy-efficient technologies, and waste reduction measures. The company has also invested in renewable energy projects and entered into a corporate PPA to promote the use of renewable energy sources. Atlas Honda Limited's commitment to sustainable development is a testament to its dedication to creating a better future for the community and the environment.