Potential offtaker

Ace & Tate Holding B.V.


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Ace & Tate Holding B.V. is a Netherlands-based company that operates in the Optical Goods Stores sector. The company was founded in 2013 and has since then become a leading eyewear brand in Europe. Ace & Tate Holding B.V. has a strong commitment to sustainability and has implemented various measures to reduce its carbon footprint.

Decarbonisation is a key priority for Ace & Tate Holding B.V. The company has set ambitious targets to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and is working towards becoming a carbon-neutral company. To achieve this, Ace & Tate Holding B.V. has implemented various measures such as energy-efficient lighting, reducing waste, and promoting sustainable transportation.

Corporate energy is another area of focus for Ace & Tate Holding B.V. The company has implemented various measures to reduce its energy consumption, including the installation of energy-efficient equipment and the use of renewable energy sources. Ace & Tate Holding B.V. has also implemented a corporate energy management system to monitor and manage its energy use.

Corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) are another way in which Ace & Tate Holding B.V. is promoting renewable energy. The company has signed several PPAs with renewable energy providers to ensure that a significant portion of its energy needs are met by renewable sources. By doing so, Ace & Tate Holding B.V. is supporting the growth of renewable energy and reducing its carbon footprint.

Renewable energy is a key focus for Ace & Tate Holding B.V. The company is committed to sourcing renewable energy and has set a target to source 100% of its energy needs from renewable sources. To achieve this, the company has implemented various measures such as installing solar panels on its stores and offices, and sourcing renewable energy from wind and solar farms.

Ace & Tate Holding B.V. is also committed to reducing waste and promoting circularity. The company has implemented a closed-loop system for its eyewear production, which involves using recycled materials and reducing waste. Ace & Tate Holding B.V. also encourages customers to recycle their old eyewear by offering a discount on new purchases when they bring in their old glasses.

In addition to its sustainability efforts, Ace & Tate Holding B.V. is also committed to social responsibility. The company has implemented various initiatives to support local communities and promote diversity and inclusion. For example, Ace & Tate Holding B.V. has partnered with local organizations to provide eyewear to those in need and has implemented a diversity and inclusion program to ensure that its workforce is representative of the communities it serves.

Overall, Ace & Tate Holding B.V. is a company that is committed to sustainability, social responsibility, and promoting renewable energy. The company has implemented various measures to reduce its carbon footprint and is working towards becoming a carbon-neutral company. By doing so, Ace & Tate Holding B.V. is setting an example for other companies in the Optical Goods Stores sector and beyond, demonstrating that sustainability and profitability can go hand in hand.