
Xinhua Hydropower Investment Corp

Total capacity of implemented projects

up to 10 MW

Countries of projects presence


Xinhua Hydropower Investment Corp is a Chinese company that operates in the wind renewable project development sector. The company is a subsidiary of Xinhua Energy Co. Ltd, which is a state-owned enterprise that specializes in the development and operation of energy projects. Xinhua Hydropower Investment Corp was established in 2007 and has since then been involved in the development of wind power projects in China.

The company's main objective is to contribute to the sustainable development of the energy sector in China by promoting the use of renewable energy sources. The company has a strong commitment to environmental protection and has implemented various measures to reduce its carbon footprint. Xinhua Hydropower Investment Corp is also dedicated to promoting the use of clean energy and has been actively involved in the development of wind power projects in China.

Xinhua Hydropower Investment Corp has a team of experienced professionals who are experts in the field of wind power development. The company has established strategic partnerships with leading wind turbine manufacturers and suppliers, which enables it to access the latest technology and equipment. This has enabled the company to develop wind power projects that are efficient, reliable, and cost-effective.

The company's portfolio of wind power projects includes both onshore and offshore wind farms. The onshore wind farms are located in various regions of China, including Inner Mongolia, Shandong, and Guangdong. The offshore wind farms are located in the East China Sea and the South China Sea. The company has also been involved in the development of wind power projects in other countries, including Pakistan and Cambodia.

Xinhua Hydropower Investment Corp has a strong focus on research and development. The company has established a research and development center that is dedicated to the development of new technologies and equipment for the wind power sector. The center has a team of experts who are involved in the development of new wind turbine designs, as well as the optimization of existing designs. This has enabled the company to improve the efficiency and reliability of its wind power projects.

The company's wind power projects have been recognized for their environmental and social benefits. The projects have helped to reduce China's reliance on fossil fuels and have contributed to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The projects have also created employment opportunities in the regions where they are located, and have contributed to the economic development of these regions.

Xinhua Hydropower Investment Corp has a strong commitment to corporate social responsibility. The company has implemented various initiatives to support the communities where it operates. These initiatives include the provision of education and healthcare facilities, as well as the development of infrastructure projects. The company has also established partnerships with local communities to promote sustainable development and environmental protection.

In conclusion, Xinhua Hydropower Investment Corp is a leading company in the wind renewable project development sector in China. The company's commitment to environmental protection and sustainable development has enabled it to develop efficient, reliable, and cost-effective wind power projects. The company's strong focus on research and development has enabled it to access the latest technology and equipment, which has further improved the efficiency and reliability of its projects. The company's commitment to corporate social responsibility has enabled it to support the communities where it operates and promote sustainable development.