
Taiyuan Heavy Industry Co Ltd

Total capacity of implemented projects

500 - 1000 MW

Countries of projects presence


Power, Solar Power, and Hydro Power.

Taiyuan Heavy Industry Co Ltd is a Chinese company that is dedicated to developing renewable projects in the sectors of wind power, solar power, and hydro power. The company is headquartered in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, China, and has been in operation for over 60 years. Taiyuan Heavy Industry Co Ltd has a strong reputation for its expertise in the development of renewable energy projects and has been recognized as one of the leading companies in the renewable energy industry in China.

Taiyuan Heavy Industry Co Ltd has a strong commitment to sustainability and the environment. The company is dedicated to developing renewable energy projects that are environmentally friendly and sustainable. Taiyuan Heavy Industry Co Ltd believes that renewable energy is the future of energy production and is committed to playing a leading role in the development of renewable energy projects in China and around the world.

Wind Power

Taiyuan Heavy Industry Co Ltd has been involved in the development of wind power projects for over a decade. The company has developed wind power projects in China, Europe, and North America. Taiyuan Heavy Industry Co Ltd has a strong track record of success in the wind power industry and is recognized as a leader in the development of wind power projects.

Taiyuan Heavy Industry Co Ltd has developed wind turbines that are highly efficient and reliable. The company's wind turbines are designed to maximize energy production and minimize environmental impact. Taiyuan Heavy Industry Co Ltd's wind turbines are also designed to be easy to install and maintain, which helps to reduce the overall cost of wind power projects.

Solar Power

Taiyuan Heavy Industry Co Ltd is also involved in the development of solar power projects. The company has developed solar power projects in China, Europe, and North America. Taiyuan Heavy Industry Co Ltd's solar power projects are designed to maximize energy production and minimize environmental impact.

Taiyuan Heavy Industry Co Ltd has developed solar panels that are highly efficient and reliable. The company's solar panels are designed to capture as much sunlight as possible and convert it into electricity. Taiyuan Heavy Industry Co Ltd's solar panels are also designed to be easy to install and maintain, which helps to reduce the overall cost of solar power projects.

Hydro Power

Taiyuan Heavy Industry Co Ltd is also involved in the development of hydro power projects. The company has developed hydro power projects in China, Europe, and North America. Taiyuan Heavy Industry Co Ltd's hydro power projects are designed to maximize energy production and minimize environmental impact.

Taiyuan Heavy Industry Co Ltd has developed hydro turbines that are highly efficient and reliable. The company's hydro turbines are designed to capture the energy of moving water and convert it into electricity. Taiyuan Heavy Industry Co Ltd's hydro turbines are also designed to be easy to install and maintain, which helps to reduce the overall cost of hydro power projects.


Taiyuan Heavy Industry Co Ltd is a Chinese company that is dedicated to developing renewable energy projects in the sectors of wind power, solar power, and hydro power. The company has a strong commitment to sustainability and the environment and is recognized as a leader in the renewable energy industry in China. Taiyuan Heavy Industry Co Ltd's wind turbines, solar panels, and hydro turbines are highly efficient and reliable and are designed to maximize energy production and minimize environmental impact. Taiyuan Heavy Industry Co Ltd is committed to playing a leading role in the development of renewable energy projects in China and around the world.