
Sichuan Changhong New Energy Technology Co Ltd

Total capacity of implemented projects

up to 10 MW

Countries of projects presence


Sichuan Changhong New Energy Technology Co Ltd is a Chinese company that is dedicated to developing renewable projects in the solar and energy storage sectors. The company is based in Sichuan Province, China, and has been in operation since 2015. The company is committed to providing sustainable energy solutions that are environmentally friendly and cost-effective.

Solar Energy

Sichuan Changhong New Energy Technology Co Ltd is focused on developing solar energy projects that are designed to meet the growing demand for clean energy in China and around the world. The company is involved in the design, construction, and operation of solar power plants, which are capable of generating electricity from the sun's rays.

The company is committed to using the latest technology in the solar energy sector to ensure that its projects are efficient and effective. The company's solar power plants are equipped with high-quality solar panels that are designed to maximize the amount of energy that is generated from the sun's rays. The company also uses advanced monitoring systems to track the performance of its solar power plants and ensure that they are operating at peak efficiency.

Sichuan Changhong New Energy Technology Co Ltd is also committed to developing innovative solar energy solutions that can be used in a variety of settings. The company has developed a range of solar products, including solar street lights, solar water heaters, and solar panels for residential and commercial use. These products are designed to provide clean energy solutions that are both affordable and practical.

Energy Storage

In addition to its solar energy projects, Sichuan Changhong New Energy Technology Co Ltd is also involved in the development of energy storage solutions. The company recognizes that energy storage is a critical component of any renewable energy system, as it allows energy to be stored and used when it is needed most.

The company's energy storage solutions are designed to be scalable and flexible, allowing them to be used in a variety of settings. The company's energy storage systems are capable of storing large amounts of energy, which can be used to power homes, businesses, and other facilities.

Sichuan Changhong New Energy Technology Co Ltd is committed to using the latest technology in the energy storage sector to ensure that its solutions are efficient and effective. The company's energy storage systems are equipped with advanced monitoring systems that allow them to track the performance of the system and ensure that it is operating at peak efficiency.

The company's energy storage solutions are also designed to be environmentally friendly, using batteries that are free from toxic chemicals and other harmful substances. This ensures that the company's energy storage solutions are safe for people and the environment.

Partnerships and Collaborations

Sichuan Changhong New Energy Technology Co Ltd is committed to working with other companies and organizations to develop renewable energy solutions that are effective and sustainable. The company has formed partnerships with a number of companies and organizations in the solar and energy storage sectors, including:

  • China National Renewable Energy Center
  • China Energy Storage Alliance
  • China Photovoltaic Industry Association
  • China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Group

These partnerships allow Sichuan Changhong New Energy Technology Co Ltd to leverage the expertise and resources of other companies and organizations in the renewable energy sector. This allows the company to develop innovative solutions that are effective and sustainable.


Sichuan Changhong New Energy Technology Co Ltd is a Chinese company that is dedicated to developing renewable energy solutions in the solar and energy storage sectors. The company is committed to providing sustainable energy solutions that are environmentally friendly and cost-effective. The company's solar energy projects are designed to meet the growing demand for clean energy in China and around the world, while its energy storage solutions are designed to ensure that energy can be stored and used when it is needed most. The company's partnerships and collaborations with other companies and organizations in the renewable energy sector allow it to develop innovative solutions that are effective and sustainable.