
Kehua Data Co Ltd

Total capacity of implemented projects

50 - 250 MW

Countries of projects presence


Kehua Data Co Ltd is a Chinese company that specializes in the development of renewable projects in the built environment, solar, energy storage, and wind sectors. The company was founded in 1988 and has since grown to become a leading player in the renewable energy industry in China and beyond.

Efficiency: Built Environment

Kehua Data Co Ltd is committed to promoting energy efficiency in the built environment. The company has developed a range of innovative solutions that help buildings to reduce their energy consumption and carbon footprint. These solutions include smart building automation systems, energy-efficient lighting, and HVAC systems, as well as renewable energy systems such as solar panels and wind turbines.

One of Kehua Data Co Ltd's flagship projects in the built environment sector is the Shanghai Tower. The Shanghai Tower is a 632-meter tall skyscraper that is the second-tallest building in the world. Kehua Data Co Ltd provided the building's energy management system, which includes a range of energy-saving technologies such as LED lighting, intelligent HVAC systems, and a building automation system that optimizes energy consumption based on occupancy and weather conditions.


Kehua Data Co Ltd is also a major player in the solar energy sector. The company develops and installs solar panels for residential, commercial, and industrial customers. Kehua Data Co Ltd's solar panels are highly efficient and reliable, and the company provides a range of services to ensure that its customers get the most out of their solar systems.

One of Kehua Data Co Ltd's most notable solar projects is the Qinghai Solar Power Plant. The Qinghai Solar Power Plant is one of the largest solar power plants in the world, with a capacity of 320 MW. Kehua Data Co Ltd provided the solar panels and other equipment for the project, which is located in the Qinghai province of China.

Energy Storage

Kehua Data Co Ltd is also involved in the energy storage sector. The company develops and installs battery storage systems that help to store excess energy generated by renewable energy systems such as solar and wind. These battery storage systems help to ensure a stable and reliable supply of energy, even when the sun is not shining or the wind is not blowing.

One of Kehua Data Co Ltd's most notable energy storage projects is the Zhangbei Energy Storage Demonstration Project. The Zhangbei Energy Storage Demonstration Project is a 36 MW/144 MWh energy storage system that is located in the Hebei province of China. Kehua Data Co Ltd provided the battery storage system for the project, which is designed to help stabilize the grid and increase the penetration of renewable energy in the region.


Finally, Kehua Data Co Ltd is also involved in the wind energy sector. The company develops and installs wind turbines for residential, commercial, and industrial customers. Kehua Data Co Ltd's wind turbines are highly efficient and reliable, and the company provides a range of services to ensure that its customers get the most out of their wind systems.

One of Kehua Data Co Ltd's most notable wind projects is the Fujian Changle Offshore Wind Farm. The Fujian Changle Offshore Wind Farm is a 100 MW wind farm that is located off the coast of the Fujian province of China. Kehua Data Co Ltd provided the wind turbines and other equipment for the project, which is designed to help increase the penetration of renewable energy in the region.


In conclusion, Kehua Data Co Ltd is a Chinese company that is committed to promoting renewable energy in the built environment, solar, energy storage, and wind sectors. The company has developed a range of innovative solutions that help to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions, and it has been involved in some of the largest renewable energy projects in China and beyond. With its focus on innovation and sustainability, Kehua Data Co Ltd is well-positioned to continue to play a leading role in the renewable energy industry in the years to come.