
Harbin Jiuzhou Group Co Ltd

Total capacity of implemented projects

250 - 500 MW

Countries of projects presence


Harbin Jiuzhou Group Co Ltd is a leading Chinese company that specializes in the development of renewable energy projects in the efficiency, supply side, solar, and wind sectors. Founded in 1996, the company has grown to become a major player in the renewable energy industry, with a focus on providing sustainable solutions to meet the growing demand for clean energy.

Efficiency: Supply Side

Harbin Jiuzhou Group Co Ltd is committed to promoting energy efficiency and reducing energy consumption through the development of supply-side projects. The company has invested in the construction of combined heat and power (CHP) plants that generate electricity and heat simultaneously, thereby reducing energy waste and improving overall efficiency. These CHP plants are designed to use natural gas, coal, or biomass as fuel, and are equipped with advanced technologies that minimize emissions and improve energy efficiency.

In addition to CHP plants, Harbin Jiuzhou Group Co Ltd has also invested in the development of waste-to-energy projects. These projects convert municipal solid waste into energy, thereby reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills and generating renewable energy in the process. The company has also invested in the construction of biomass power plants that use agricultural waste and other organic materials as fuel, further promoting the use of renewable energy sources.


Harbin Jiuzhou Group Co Ltd is a major player in the solar energy industry, with a focus on the development of large-scale solar power projects. The company has invested in the construction of solar power plants that generate electricity using photovoltaic (PV) panels, which convert sunlight into electricity. These solar power plants are designed to be highly efficient, with advanced technologies that optimize energy output and minimize costs.

In addition to solar power plants, Harbin Jiuzhou Group Co Ltd has also invested in the development of solar panel manufacturing facilities. These facilities produce high-quality PV panels that are used in the company's own solar power projects, as well as sold to other companies in the renewable energy industry. By investing in solar panel manufacturing, the company is helping to promote the use of solar energy on a global scale.


Harbin Jiuzhou Group Co Ltd is also actively involved in the development of wind power projects. The company has invested in the construction of wind farms that generate electricity using wind turbines, which convert the kinetic energy of wind into electrical energy. These wind farms are designed to be highly efficient, with advanced technologies that optimize energy output and minimize costs.

In addition to wind farms, Harbin Jiuzhou Group Co Ltd has also invested in the development of wind turbine manufacturing facilities. These facilities produce high-quality wind turbines that are used in the company's own wind power projects, as well as sold to other companies in the renewable energy industry. By investing in wind turbine manufacturing, the company is helping to promote the use of wind energy on a global scale.

Overall, Harbin Jiuzhou Group Co Ltd is a leading Chinese company that is committed to promoting sustainable development through the development of renewable energy projects. With a focus on efficiency, solar, and wind, the company is helping to meet the growing demand for clean energy while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting environmental sustainability. As the world continues to shift towards renewable energy sources, Harbin Jiuzhou Group Co Ltd is poised to play a major role in shaping the future of the global energy industry.