
Hangzhou Jinjiang Group Co Ltd

Total capacity of implemented projects

250 - 500 MW

Countries of projects presence


Hangzhou Jinjiang Group Co Ltd is a leading Chinese company that specializes in the development of renewable energy projects, particularly in the biomass and waste sectors. The company was founded in 1979 and has since grown to become a major player in the Chinese renewable energy market.

The company's mission is to promote sustainable development and reduce carbon emissions through the use of renewable energy sources. To achieve this goal, Hangzhou Jinjiang Group Co Ltd has invested heavily in research and development of new technologies and has established partnerships with leading companies in the renewable energy industry.

One of the key areas of focus for Hangzhou Jinjiang Group Co Ltd is biomass energy. Biomass is a renewable energy source that is derived from organic matter such as wood, crops, and waste. The company has developed a range of biomass energy projects, including biomass power plants, biomass gasification systems, and biomass boilers.

Biomass power plants are facilities that generate electricity by burning biomass fuels. Hangzhou Jinjiang Group Co Ltd has developed several biomass power plants across China, which use a variety of biomass fuels such as wood chips, rice husks, and agricultural waste. These power plants have a combined capacity of over 500 MW and are capable of supplying electricity to millions of homes.

In addition to biomass power plants, Hangzhou Jinjiang Group Co Ltd has also developed biomass gasification systems. These systems convert biomass into a gas that can be used as a fuel for power generation or other industrial processes. The company has developed several biomass gasification systems that are used in industries such as steel production, chemical manufacturing, and food processing.

Hangzhou Jinjiang Group Co Ltd has also developed biomass boilers, which are used to heat buildings and provide hot water. These boilers use biomass fuels such as wood pellets and agricultural waste to generate heat, which is then distributed throughout the building. The company has developed several biomass boiler systems that are used in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings.

Another area of focus for Hangzhou Jinjiang Group Co Ltd is waste-to-energy. Waste-to-energy is the process of converting waste into energy, typically through incineration or gasification. The company has developed several waste-to-energy projects, including waste incineration plants and waste gasification systems.

Waste incineration plants are facilities that burn waste to generate electricity. Hangzhou Jinjiang Group Co Ltd has developed several waste incineration plants across China, which use a variety of waste streams such as municipal solid waste, medical waste, and industrial waste. These plants have a combined capacity of over 300 MW and are capable of supplying electricity to millions of homes.

In addition to waste incineration plants, Hangzhou Jinjiang Group Co Ltd has also developed waste gasification systems. These systems convert waste into a gas that can be used as a fuel for power generation or other industrial processes. The company has developed several waste gasification systems that are used in industries such as steel production, chemical manufacturing, and food processing.

Hangzhou Jinjiang Group Co Ltd is committed to promoting sustainable development and reducing carbon emissions through the use of renewable energy sources. The company's biomass and waste-to-energy projects have helped to reduce China's reliance on fossil fuels and have contributed to the country's efforts to combat climate change.

In addition to its renewable energy projects, Hangzhou Jinjiang Group Co Ltd is also involved in other business areas such as real estate, finance, and tourism. The company has a strong commitment to corporate social responsibility and has established several charitable foundations to support education, poverty alleviation, and environmental protection.

Overall, Hangzhou Jinjiang Group Co Ltd is a leading Chinese company that is making a significant contribution to the development of renewable energy projects in the biomass and waste sectors. The company's commitment to sustainability and innovation has helped to position it as a key player in the Chinese renewable energy market, and its projects are helping to drive the country's transition to a low-carbon economy.