Fingrid OYJ

Total capacity of implemented projects
50 - 250 MW
Countries of projects presence
Fingrid OYJ is a Finnish company that operates the national electricity transmission grid in Finland. The company is responsible for ensuring that electricity is transmitted reliably and efficiently throughout the country. Fingrid is also involved in the development of renewable energy projects in Finland.
Fingrid was established in 1996 as a result of the deregulation of the Finnish electricity market. The company is owned by the Finnish state and is listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange. Fingrid's main task is to ensure that the electricity transmission system is reliable and secure. The company also plays a key role in the development of the Finnish electricity market.
Fingrid's transmission grid covers the entire country of Finland and is approximately 14,000 kilometers long. The grid consists of high-voltage power lines, substations, and other equipment. Fingrid is responsible for the planning, construction, and maintenance of the transmission grid.
In addition to operating the transmission grid, Fingrid is also involved in the development of renewable energy projects in Finland. The company has a strong commitment to sustainability and is working to increase the share of renewable energy in Finland's energy mix.
One of Fingrid's key renewable energy projects is the development of a new transmission line to connect wind power plants in northern Finland to the national grid. The project, known as the Forest Line, will enable the transmission of up to 1,400 MW of wind power from northern Finland to the rest of the country. The Forest Line is expected to be completed by 2025.
Fingrid is also involved in the development of other renewable energy projects in Finland, including solar power and bioenergy. The company is working to increase the share of renewable energy in Finland's energy mix and to reduce the country's dependence on fossil fuels.
Fingrid's commitment to sustainability extends beyond its renewable energy projects. The company is also working to reduce its own carbon footprint and to promote sustainable practices in its operations. Fingrid has set a target to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2030 compared to 2018 levels.
To achieve this target, Fingrid is implementing a range of measures, including the use of renewable energy sources, energy efficiency improvements, and the adoption of low-emission vehicles. The company is also working to reduce the environmental impact of its operations, for example by reducing waste and promoting recycling.
Fingrid's commitment to sustainability has been recognized by a number of organizations. The company has been included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for several years in a row and has received a number of awards for its sustainability performance.
In addition to its sustainability efforts, Fingrid is also focused on innovation and technology development. The company is working to develop new technologies and solutions to improve the reliability and efficiency of the electricity transmission system.
One example of Fingrid's innovation efforts is the development of a new system for monitoring the condition of power transformers. The system, known as the Transformer Online Condition Monitoring System (TOCM), uses sensors and advanced analytics to monitor the condition of transformers in real-time. This enables Fingrid to detect potential faults and to carry out maintenance before a failure occurs.
Fingrid is also involved in a number of international projects aimed at improving the reliability and efficiency of electricity transmission systems. The company is a member of several European organizations, including the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) and the Nordic Transmission System Operators (TSOs).
In conclusion, Fingrid OYJ is a Finnish company that operates the national electricity transmission grid in Finland. The company is committed to sustainability and is involved in the development of renewable energy projects in Finland. Fingrid's commitment to innovation and technology development has enabled the company to improve the reliability and efficiency of the electricity transmission system. Fingrid's efforts have been recognized by a number of organizations, and the company is well-positioned to continue to play a key role in the development of the Finnish electricity market.