
Enercon GmbH

Total capacity of implemented projects

1 - 5 GW

Countries of projects presence


Energy, Solar Energy, and Hydro Energy

Enercon GmbH is a German company that has been at the forefront of renewable energy development for over three decades. Founded in 1984 by Aloys Wobben, the company has grown to become one of the leading providers of wind turbines in the world. With a focus on innovation and sustainability, Enercon has expanded its operations to include solar and hydro energy projects, making it a versatile and comprehensive provider of renewable energy solutions.

Wind Energy

Enercon is best known for its wind energy projects, which have been the company's primary focus since its inception. The company's wind turbines are designed to be highly efficient and reliable, with a focus on minimizing the environmental impact of wind energy projects. Enercon's turbines range in size from small 800 kW turbines to large 7.5 MW turbines, making them suitable for a wide range of applications.

One of the key features of Enercon's wind turbines is their direct drive technology. This technology eliminates the need for a gearbox, which reduces the number of moving parts and increases the reliability of the turbine. Enercon's turbines also feature a modular design, which makes them easy to install and maintain. The company's turbines are designed to be highly adaptable, with the ability to operate in a wide range of wind conditions.

Enercon has developed wind energy projects around the world, with a particular focus on Europe. The company has installed over 29,000 wind turbines in 50 countries, with a total capacity of over 50 GW. Enercon's wind energy projects have helped to reduce carbon emissions and provide clean, renewable energy to communities around the world.

Solar Energy

In addition to wind energy, Enercon has also expanded its operations to include solar energy projects. The company's solar panels are designed to be highly efficient and durable, with a focus on maximizing energy output and minimizing environmental impact. Enercon's solar panels are available in a range of sizes and configurations, making them suitable for a wide range of applications.

One of the key features of Enercon's solar panels is their high efficiency. The company's panels are designed to convert a high percentage of sunlight into electricity, which helps to maximize energy output and reduce the overall cost of solar energy projects. Enercon's solar panels are also designed to be highly durable, with a long lifespan and resistance to weather and environmental factors.

Enercon has developed solar energy projects around the world, with a particular focus on Europe and Asia. The company's solar panels have been installed in a wide range of applications, including residential, commercial, and industrial settings. Enercon's solar energy projects have helped to reduce carbon emissions and provide clean, renewable energy to communities around the world.

Hydro Energy

In addition to wind and solar energy, Enercon has also expanded its operations to include hydro energy projects. The company's hydro turbines are designed to be highly efficient and reliable, with a focus on maximizing energy output and minimizing environmental impact. Enercon's hydro turbines are available in a range of sizes and configurations, making them suitable for a wide range of applications.

One of the key features of Enercon's hydro turbines is their high efficiency. The company's turbines are designed to convert a high percentage of water flow into electricity, which helps to maximize energy output and reduce the overall cost of hydro energy projects. Enercon's hydro turbines are also designed to be highly reliable, with a long lifespan and resistance to weather and environmental factors.

Enercon has developed hydro energy projects around the world, with a particular focus on Europe and Asia. The company's hydro turbines have been installed in a wide range of applications, including small-scale hydro projects and large-scale hydroelectric power plants. Enercon's hydro energy projects have helped to reduce carbon emissions and provide clean, renewable energy to communities around the world.

Innovation and Sustainability

One of the key factors that sets Enercon apart from other renewable energy companies is its focus on innovation and sustainability. The company is constantly developing new technologies and techniques to improve the efficiency and reliability of its wind, solar, and hydro energy projects. Enercon is also committed to minimizing the environmental impact of its projects, with a focus on reducing carbon emissions and preserving natural habitats.

Enercon's commitment to innovation and sustainability is reflected in its research and development efforts. The company invests heavily in R&D, with a focus on developing new technologies and techniques to improve the efficiency and reliability of its renewable energy projects. Enercon also collaborates with universities and research institutions to stay at the forefront of renewable energy research.

In addition to its R&D efforts, Enercon is also committed to sustainability in its operations. The company has implemented a number of sustainability initiatives, including reducing its carbon footprint, minimizing waste, and promoting sustainable practices among its suppliers and partners. Enercon's commitment to sustainability has earned it recognition as one of the most sustainable companies in Germany.


Enercon GmbH is a German company that has been at the forefront of renewable energy development for over three decades. With a focus on innovation and sustainability, Enercon has expanded its operations to include wind, solar, and hydro energy projects, making it a versatile and comprehensive provider of renewable energy solutions. The company's wind turbines, solar panels, and hydro turbines are designed to be highly efficient and reliable, with a focus on minimizing the environmental impact of renewable energy projects. Enercon's commitment to innovation and sustainability has earned it recognition as one of the most sustainable companies in Germany.