
City of Kitakyushu Japan

Total capacity of implemented projects

10 - 50 MW

Countries of projects presence


The City of Kitakyushu is a local government located in the Fukuoka Prefecture of Japan. The city is known for its commitment to sustainability and its efforts to develop renewable energy projects in various sectors, including biomass and waste.

Biomass is a renewable energy source that is derived from organic matter, such as plants and animal waste. The City of Kitakyushu has been working on developing biomass projects for several years now, with the aim of reducing its reliance on fossil fuels and promoting sustainable energy practices.

One of the city's most notable biomass projects is the Kitakyushu Biomass Power Plant. This facility, which was completed in 2011, is capable of generating up to 20 megawatts of electricity using wood chips and other biomass materials as fuel. The plant is located in the city's Yahata-Higashi district and is operated by the Kitakyushu Biomass Power Corporation, a joint venture between the city government and several private companies.

In addition to the Biomass Power Plant, the City of Kitakyushu has also been working on developing smaller-scale biomass projects, such as biomass boilers for schools and other public buildings. These projects not only help to reduce the city's carbon footprint but also provide a source of renewable energy that can be used locally.

Waste is another area where the City of Kitakyushu has been focusing its renewable energy efforts. The city has a long history of waste reduction and recycling, and has been working on developing waste-to-energy projects as a way to further reduce its environmental impact.

One of the city's most innovative waste-to-energy projects is the Kitakyushu Eco-Town. This facility, which was established in 2002, is a collaborative effort between the city government, private companies, and research institutions. The Eco-Town is designed to be a model for sustainable waste management, with a focus on reducing waste, recycling materials, and generating renewable energy.

The Eco-Town includes several different facilities, including a waste sorting center, a recycling center, and a waste-to-energy plant. The waste-to-energy plant is capable of processing up to 600 tons of waste per day, generating electricity and heat that is used to power the Eco-Town and surrounding communities.

Another notable waste-to-energy project in Kitakyushu is the Kitakyushu Waste-to-Energy Plant. This facility, which was completed in 2017, is capable of processing up to 600 tons of waste per day, generating electricity that is sold to the local power company. The plant uses a variety of technologies, including incineration and gasification, to convert waste into energy.

Overall, the City of Kitakyushu is a leader in renewable energy development, particularly in the areas of biomass and waste-to-energy. The city's commitment to sustainability and its innovative approach to renewable energy have earned it recognition both nationally and internationally. As the world continues to grapple with the challenges of climate change, the City of Kitakyushu serves as a model for how local governments can take action to promote sustainable energy practices and reduce their environmental impact.