
China Construction Electric Power Construction Co Ltd

Total capacity of implemented projects

50 - 250 MW

Countries of projects presence


China Construction Electric Power Construction Co Ltd is a leading Chinese company that specializes in the development of renewable energy projects across various sectors. The company is committed to promoting sustainable development and reducing carbon emissions through the use of clean energy sources. With a strong focus on innovation and technology, China Construction Electric Power Construction Co Ltd has established itself as a key player in the renewable energy industry in China and beyond.

Biomass & Waste

One of the key areas of focus for China Construction Electric Power Construction Co Ltd is the development of biomass and waste-to-energy projects. The company has extensive experience in designing and constructing biomass power plants that use agricultural and forestry waste as fuel. These plants not only help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also provide a sustainable source of energy that can be used to power homes and businesses.

China Construction Electric Power Construction Co Ltd also specializes in waste-to-energy projects that convert municipal solid waste into electricity. The company has developed advanced technologies that enable it to efficiently and safely convert waste into energy, while minimizing environmental impact. These projects not only help to reduce waste disposal costs but also provide a sustainable source of energy that can be used to power communities.

Conventional Power

China Construction Electric Power Construction Co Ltd also has extensive experience in the development of conventional power projects. The company has designed and constructed a number of coal-fired power plants that use advanced technologies to minimize emissions and improve efficiency. These projects not only help to meet China's growing energy demands but also help to reduce the country's reliance on fossil fuels.

In addition to coal-fired power plants, China Construction Electric Power Construction Co Ltd has also developed a number of gas-fired power plants that use natural gas as fuel. These plants are highly efficient and produce significantly fewer emissions than coal-fired power plants. The company has also developed technologies that enable it to capture and store carbon dioxide emissions from these plants, further reducing their environmental impact.


China Construction Electric Power Construction Co Ltd is also involved in the development of nuclear power projects. The company has extensive experience in designing and constructing nuclear power plants that meet the highest safety standards. These projects not only help to meet China's growing energy demands but also provide a clean and reliable source of energy that can be used to power homes and businesses.

China Construction Electric Power Construction Co Ltd has developed advanced technologies that enable it to safely and efficiently operate nuclear power plants. The company has also established a comprehensive safety management system that ensures the highest level of safety for workers and the surrounding community.


Finally, China Construction Electric Power Construction Co Ltd is actively involved in the development of wind power projects. The company has designed and constructed a number of wind farms that use advanced technologies to maximize energy production and minimize environmental impact. These projects not only help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also provide a sustainable source of energy that can be used to power communities.

China Construction Electric Power Construction Co Ltd has developed advanced wind turbine technologies that enable it to efficiently capture wind energy and convert it into electricity. The company has also established a comprehensive environmental management system that ensures the highest level of environmental protection for the surrounding community.


In conclusion, China Construction Electric Power Construction Co Ltd is a leading Chinese company that is committed to promoting sustainable development and reducing carbon emissions through the use of clean energy sources. The company has extensive experience in the development of renewable energy projects across various sectors, including biomass and waste, conventional power, nuclear, and wind. With a strong focus on innovation and technology, China Construction Electric Power Construction Co Ltd has established itself as a key player in the renewable energy industry in China and beyond.